Att: British readers interested in Fallen Angel

For those readers living in the UK who would like to try out Fallen Angel for free (or who may have missed it last month), Economic Comics are giving away 10 copies of Fallen Angel #10 to the first 10 people who request one.

Simply send your name and address with a short message using the following page…

…and a copy will be sent to you absolutely free of charge.

Your details will only be used to send you the comic and no further contact will be made. UK addresses only. 1 per household. Fallen Angel #10 is MR rated.


4 comments on “Att: British readers interested in Fallen Angel

  1. Don’t know where else to post this, but happy first night of chanukah/Hanukah. Don’t know if I spelled it right (to gentile for my own good!) butthe sentiment is there!


  2. Got it! Been meaning to get this for AGES, but am never sure when a good point to jump on is coming (ie, the first issue after a trade). Now I finally get to try it out!

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