34 comments on “Happy Chanukah

  1. Happy Chanukah!

    And my present to you is the first to admit to weeping in jealousy over the gift you received!

  2. Happy Hanukkah to one and all! I got me a gift card to B&N last night. Maybe my present to PAD is that I’ll finally go purchase his third Arthur book, “Fall of Knight.”

  3. Happy Chanukah.

    “Weep in jealousy, suckers.”

    Nahhhh…. I rather just pop mine into the player and laugh.


  4. Yeah, happy Chanukah to everyone who celebrates it.

    I am leaving soon to do my Christmas shopping.

    I would weep about not having the Monty Python set — except I am so far behind in my reading, my TV and DVD watching, and my CD listening (I’ve got stuff I got for my birthday this summer I haven’t gotten to!) that I can’t even contemplate feeling bad about not having something. Gotta get through what I got first.

    Bill Mulligan, this Kraut wants to know what you got against sauerkraut, dammit!

  5. Yeah, Happy Channukah and all that.

    Just point this gentile at the latkes and I’ll celebrate almost anything with you folks. :-p

    Just kidding. All the best to all you guys.

  6. Bill Mulligan, this Kraut wants to know what you got against sauerkraut, dammit!

    It’s because of the way the Germans shot a paperweight into Lou Grant’s ášš.

  7. Huh, they did almost the exact same gag on an episode of Friends. Who would have thought that one of the most popular TV shows ever was stealing material from Peter David?

  8. Bill Mulligan: I’m afraid I totally don’t get the reference. But maybe that was intentional. I think you enjoy confusing me. You’re quite good at it. But don’t let that give you a swelled head. Confusing me is as easy as finding nasty remarks about liberals in the writings of Ann Coulter, or finding assertions that George W. Bush is the devil incarnate in the writings of Michael Moore.

  9. Though I’m not Jewish, I bow and thank you. It isn’t everybody who has the desire, much less the skill to help prod some heritage into the next generation.

  10. Ok, this may just be a drug induced hallucination from the college years but I could have sworn that Lou Grant had a piece of shrapnel removed from his ášš and Ted Baxter had it made into a paperweight and interrupted a breaking news story to tell about how he was boycotting sauerkraut in honor of Lou who had just spent hours under the knife while doctors removed THIS (And he holds up the paperweight backwards so that the viewing audience would mistakingly think that Lou had a giant paperweight in his ášš) from his body.

    I laughed and laughed and years later expected anyone in the world to get the reference. In retrospect, I’ll bet the guy who wrote that bit wouldn’t get it.

  11. Happy Chanuka.

    I’m sorry I can’t say anything about the comics that just came out. But by ther time they reach me this thread will be out of date already.

    Interesting article too. My sister who is currently in Berkley is experiencing first hand the difficulty of being Jewish in a predominatly not Jewish country. I suppose it is the difficulty of all the immigrants who came to the US to enjoy all the benefits of the meting pot while mainting something from the old traditions. If comics can help, that’s a nice idea.

  12. Why would I weep in jealousy over your finally getting something I’ve had for several years? 🙂

  13. Kath wrote about “the updated version with the additional disks?”

    Now I AM going to weep with jealousy. Well, happy viewing, and say hi(sniff) to the Bruces and Michael Baldwin for(sniff) me, okay?


  14. Happy Chanukah to you as well! However I refuse to weep PAD as I got the flying circus set with the 2 extra disks for my birthday last May. So there!

  15. Happy Chanukah, PAD!

    I just listened to the broadcast of Chanukah: A Time for Superheroes. (Via a web broadcast from WGBH Boston Public Radio.) The first half of the show was great — and your story was dramatized, which was a lot of fun. I was laughing out loud.

    I thought the second half of the show sort of dragged though, and became a bit unfocused. I don’t know what the Klezmer-rock band “Golem” was doing in there. I was hoping for more analysis of HULK for example (since they were talking so much about Golems), and I missed the contributions of other more recent writers and artists, as well as something from movie people like Bryan Singer. I think the show sort of started off Chanukah-dedicated, and drifted into “Jewish contributions to comic book art” — which is fantastic, and I very much enjoyed the interviews with Trina Robbins and Joe Kubert, but the subject could be, maybe should be, a whole other two-hour radio special.

    If anyone wants to listen, here is the website:


    Congratulations for the Monty Python gift!

  16. But is the the updated version with the additional disks?

    Nope…but unless there’s something more than the Monty Python Live! discs included per the Amazon entry, I’ve also had those two discs for a while. So no weeping. 🙂

  17. The program is on right now; not only is Simcha Weinstein mentioning “Revisionist History”, but they appear to be dramatizing it with voice actors. [Do you get royalties for that? Should you?]

    [I’ve heard about this story for decades — blogged about it, even — but never seen it before today.]

  18. So I listened to the broadcast and I have to say…I’m a little torqued right now. First of all, my name wasn’t mentioned as the author of the work. Second, I’m betting they never asked Marvel’s permission to do the adaptation, because there was no mention at the end about copyrights. You know…”Doc Samson is Copyright 2006 by Marvel Comics, used with permission,” that sort of thing. There should indeed be SOME sort of royalties involved, even if it all goes to Marvel and I don’t see any of it.

    I dropped them an e-mail expressing my annoyance. Haven’t heard back yet.


  19. That sucks. I really hope this isn’t one of those things where they assumed it didn’t matter because it’s “just comics”. This aside, the guy seems like a comic fan, so I hope he would understand the work that goes into them.

    Hopefully it’ll work out and credit and remuneration will go where it’s due. Be nice if they had you on the show to discuss the story… I’m sure anyone who got a kick out of the story would be interested to hear from the guy who wrote it, and learn where they could read more of his work.

  20. I didn’t listen to the whole broadcast, but I was rather torqued on your behalf (and as a librarian who believes in attributions) that they didn’t mention your name with the reenactment.

    Don’t know who you contacted, but you may also want to get in touch with Rabbi Simcha (oy, what a website @ http://www.rabbisimcha.com/ ) and approach it from that angle.

  21. “Peter David at December 18, 2006 10:32 AM”

    Call me “old fashioned”, but a letter on paper, sent “registered post – addressee to sign on receipt” may be better.

  22. I am so glad I read this.

    It saved me the $20 I was going to spend on it. I went out and bought season 2 of the laughable Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. By Irwin (master of Disaster) Allen. I don’t know how the actors said their lines with a straight face!

    There was one episode where Admiral Nelson puts on a rubber suit with 20,000 volts of electricity going through it to finish off a Lobster alien.

    You can enjoy the show like it was an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

    …It must have been one of those shows where the writers took the money and ran.

    Is this the series where Halan Ellison would use the pen name of Cordwainer Bird?

    Far more entertaining than seeing all that brillaint footage of Superman going to waste with a bad ending from the first movie…

  23. The Post above is in reference to the Superman 2
    special edition and the reson I decided not to purchase it….

    Looks like I posted it under the wrong category….

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