“Friends of the Angel”

I’ve been receiving consistent complaints from readers and would-be readers of “Fallen Angel,” the award-winning (well, my mom likes it) series from IDW. They’re telling me that their local comic shops aren’t providing it. I don’t mean that the shops simply aren’t ordering shelf copies (although sadly enough that’s often the case.) I mean that fans are actually ordering the book in advance, putting it on their pull lists, and the stores STILL aren’t getting it in.

Invariably the stores blame Diamond Comics Distribution. But my admittedly informal surveying of a fairly reliable base of retailers indicates that they actually have no trouble obtaining copies of “Fallen Angel.” They receive the book when they order it, and reorders are readily available. No one disputes that the occasional shipping mishap can and will occur, but thus far the evidence would seem to indicate that any retailer who routinely is “unable” to obtain “Fallen Angel,” well…let’s just say such claims seem a mite dubious at this point.

Several retailers suggested that I make available a list of those who have no trouble obtaining and providing “Fallen Angel” to willing customers. Between the upcoming second IDW trade collection, the impending release by DC of the long-awaited next collection of the DC “Fallen Angel” run, and IDW’s announced hardcover deluxe collection of the first 13 issues for later in 2007, I’m optimistic that the customer base will only grow.

So I am indeed going to make a list of “Friends of the Angel” public, both on this website and in the pages of “Fallen Angel” itself (so that anyone who had serious trouble finding that particular issue can learn of an easier way to obtain future issues.)

Any retailer who is willing to, or is already, consistently providing “Fallen Angel” to any and all customers can be included on the list by simply sending an e-mail to me at PADGUY@AOL.COM and put “Friends of the Angel” in the subject header. (He should also make clear if he is set up for mail order service.) This way if a customer in Shelbyville is told by his local retailer that, gee, that “Fallen Angel” book is just impossible to get, he’ll find there’s a store over in Springfield with a retailer who will be happy to provide him a copy of the latest issue while declaring, “Best…comic…ever.”