I see no upside in this

Saddam is dead. Executed.

First, I’m opposed to capital punishment. Period.

Second, just what Iraq needs: A high-profile martyr to rally around and provide reason for an even more massive explosion of violence than we’ve already seen.


Back from Atlanta

Back at my computer after our sojourn to visit Kath’s parents (with a stop along the way to see mine as well) and am hard at work on two projects: A “Fantastic Four” original novel, and a “Sandman: Year One” one-shot.

Also, a tip of the hat to board denizen Garrett Sims who tipped me that Amazon.com was running a mad sale on Garman GPS devices. I picked up the exact model that navigated us so adeptly to Georgia and back, knocked down a whopping 67% off retail. I love post-Christmas sales.