Two things I usually don’t think are worth getting into

1) Celebrity feuds. A waste of time.

2) Shouting “Sexual discrimination” at the drop of a hat.

But something about the new celebrity feud of Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump (who, in keeping with the spirit of mushing couples’ names together, I shall henceforth refer to as Rosie O’Donald) strikes me as worth commenting upon.

The O’Donald half of Rosie O’Donald is bìŧçhìņg that he was ill-used by Rosie for her comments over the irony of O’Donald serving as the arbiter of morality and second chances vis a vis Miss USA. (Personally, I think he did the girl no favors by letting her off. Dozens of Miss Americas have vanished into obscurity, but the one who was bounced because of immoral behavior is currently reigning supereme over on “Ugly Betty.” If the current Miss USA, whose name escapes me, had been fired for immorality, she’d have a Vanessa Williams-level shot at an ongoing career.)

Except here’s the thing: What Rosie said was no different, and no more vicious, then anything that was said on “The Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report” or “The Tonight Show” or “Letterman.” And I have to think that the only major difference between all of those commenters and Rosie is that they’re slim male heterosexuals and she’s an overweight female lesbian. I think he’s reacting not to what was said, but who said it.

And now he’s going ballistic over anyone (especially females…see a pattern yet?) who asks him about it, and he hasn’t twigged to the fact that the reason people keep asking him about it is because HE made it a cause celebre in the first place.

How dare women speak their minds and not know the place that O’Donald sees them best suited: Either on runways while sporting bathing suits, or as a loyal daughter at his side ganging up on Meredith Vieira.


59 comments on “Two things I usually don’t think are worth getting into

  1. Peter David: What Rosie said was no different, and no more vicious, then anything that was said on “The Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report” or “The Tonight Show” or “Letterman.”
    Luigi Novi: I dunno about that. The emphasis on those other shows is on humor and satire, whereas Rosie was expressing a critical opinion of Trump as a moral compass, using aspects of his personal life to argue hypocrisy on his part. I’m not sure if Stewart, Colbert, Leno or Letterman do it that same way, but if they did, I don’t know that Trump would respond any differently. In addition, Trump objected to O’Donnel’s statement that he declared bankruptcy, arguing that his companies have, but he himself has never done so—a business world distinction that I admit I had never considered myself—and was ostensibly twigged to that statement on a matter of fact.

    In any case, Trump only comes off worse by the type of response he gave. Instead of merely refuting the factual accuracy of her inaccurate statements, or by insisting that Tara Conner deserves a second chance, which would’ve made him come off better and retained some of his dignity, he instead goes for gratuitously personal insults. While O’Donnel admittedly did make fun of his hair, everyone does that, including Trump himself. He instead made cracks about her weight, her looks, her female companion, and even made allusions to her past works as failures that ignored certain bits of facts. While her Broadway show did bomb, her magazine only folded because she left it amid a falling out with its backers (not because of quality or circulation issues), and his statement that her talks show “ultimately” failed is just false, since her talks show was actually a hit. It was Caroline Rhea’s version of it that failed after she took over following O’Donnel’s departure, a truth that Trump tries to gloss over with the word “ultimately”, as if O’Donnel is responsible for Rhea’s show tanking.

    Peter David: And now he’s going ballistic over anyone (especially females…see a pattern yet?) who asks him about it, and he hasn’t twigged to the fact that the reason people keep asking him about it…
    Luigi Novi: Which is another Straw Man on his part, since Meredith Vierra didn’t ask him why he keeps talking about it, but why he keeps responding in the way that he has, with childish mudslinging instead of calm, dignified, rational refutations.

  2. This whole thing was as predicatble as the summer solstice. Last time Trump had a new season of The Apprentice coming out he had a highly publicized celebrity feud with Martha Stewart. Now we have a new season and–amazingly!–a new feud!

    Yawnity yawn yawn. Celebrities are getting less and less interesting with every year. I’m not even sure what some of them are supposed to be famous for. It’s a bad sign when a new edition of The Surreal World is out and the D-lister with the greatest claim to success is…Ron Jeremy.

  3. I dunno, by what criteria do you judge a claim to success? Fame? Wealth? Success of their work? There’s a former member of Poison, a Playboy Playmate, former star of Baywatch, an actor who played a breakout character in the Austin Powers films, Vanilla Ice, etc.. I don’t see how Ron Jeremy is any more famous or successful than any of the others.

  4. He’s probably going ballistic because he can’t stand her in the first place. Rosie is a really polarizing personality-people either hate her or love her. I’ve always found her to be an extremely obnoxious, self-rightous, big mouth who really was never funny. I could care less if she’s a woman or a lesbian. It’s her grating personality that pìššëš me off, and probably the same with “the Donald.”

  5. Oh, who takes Donald Trump seriously anyway, the man is an idiot. He boasts about his business prowess but has a trail of bankruptcies and a legion of investors holding the bag in his wake. I read something recently which I am paraphrasing but, which summed up things nicely. It said something along the lines of ‘Donald Trump is the kind of man who would make a $10,000 charitable contribution and then spend $1,000,000 publicizing it.” Whatever problems I may have with Rosie – and she isn’t a favorite of mine – I will say she has managed to prove herself to be a person who stands by her convictions and has a fair amount of integrity – qualities conspicuously absent in the aforementioned Mr. Trump.

  6. // Luigi Novi: I dunno about that. The emphasis on those other shows is on humor and satire, whereas Rosie was expressing a critical opinion of Trump as a moral compass, using aspects of his personal life to argue hypocrisy on his part. //

    Rosie started her career as a stand up comic and from what I’ve seen of the view , (which admitly isn’t much) she is still the “funny one”.

    // I’m not sure if Stewart, Colbert, Leno or Letterman do it that same way, but if they did, I don’t know that Trump would respond any differently. //

    Don’t know about the others but Stewart’s commentary on Donalds letting the girl keep her crown was far nastier then any thing Rosie said IMO. Yet didn’t get a single comment from Donald. And I wouldn’t be to sure about The Donald getting context, way way back when he went after the comic strip Bloom County for making fun of him. Which of course had the effect that Bloom County made more fun of him.

    // In addition, Trump objected to O’Donnel’s statement that he declared bankruptcy, arguing that his companies have, but he himself has never done so—a business world distinction that I admit I had never considered myself //

    This being the same Donald Trump who once being intervied about those financal setbacks told the interview (Larry King if memory serves) that his personal worth was in the negative numbers and he went out on the street and told a homeless guy that he had more personal wealth then Trump had. Maybe Trump never personally decarled bankrupcy but there was time when he certainly gave the public the impression that he had. Now that he’s “bounced back” I guess he doesn’t want any one to remind him of that. Either way it strikes me as nitpicking.


  7. Keep in mind, as well, that as of the last time I checked, Miss Nevada was stripped of her crown for immoral behaviour…that happened five plus years ago, when she wasn’t Miss Nevada.

    She was appealing to Trump, given that he was giving Miss USA a shot for what you could easily argue were clearly ‘worse’ indiscresions that happened during her reign – thing is? Miss Nevada? Not so much for national news.

    Gotta agree with those who’re saying this is just a publicity stunt to get his name out there prior to the start of the next season of The Apprentice.

  8. “The emphasis on those other shows is on humor and satire, whereas Rosie was expressing a critical opinion of Trump as a moral compass, using aspects of his personal life to argue hypocrisy on his part. I’m not sure if Stewart, Colbert, Leno or Letterman do it that same way, but if they did, I don’t know that Trump would respond any differently.”

    And what’s the emphasis of “The View?” Curing cancer? They chat about the issues of the day, and Rosie makes jokes about them as she’s been doing her entire adult life.

    Here’s what Stewart actually said. First he inquired, “Who has the moral authority to absolve this woman of her sins?” And then, after having a clip of Trump, he continued doing a Trump impression which made him sound like a two bit thug, and continued Trump’s statement of “I’m going to give her a second chance” by saying, “To help me milk all the extra publicity and exposure I can out of this second-rate pageant that I bought ten years ago as an excuse to nail girls like Tara. This is . . . I mean, anybody who makes out wid hot chicks, I think deserves to be rehabilitated.”

    Colbert’s routine was much longer, no less vicious, and I don’t have the patience to transcribe it. But for what it’s worth, here’s what Craig Ferguson had to say, after dubbing Trump “America’s creepy uncle”: “I think underneath that threadbare comb-over, there’s (pause for laughter). . . underneath that strange mat-like hat, there is a heart of gold–a heart of gold with “Trump” written on it. He’s like a five-year-old, this guy, has to write his name on everything. “That’s mine, “Trump!”

    Rosie O’Donnell said nothing that was any more vicious than anything anyone else said. But she had the audacity to do it without a pëņìš.


  9. I don’t see how Ron Jeremy is any more famous or successful than any of the others.

    Any man that ugly who is able to manage a 3 decades long career in the pørņ industry…this is no man of flesh and blood!

    Let’s check the google score:

    Ron Jeremy = 1,380,000
    Traci Bingham = 491,000
    Sandra Denton = 3,040
    C.C. Deville = 90,000
    Jordan Knight = 222,000
    Joanie Laurer = 180,000
    Emmanuel Lewis = 66,300
    Brigitte Nielsen = 501,000
    Verne Troyer = 228,000
    Rob Van Winkle = 11,600

    Wow! It’s not even close! (to those who ask “Why didn’t you search for Vanilla Ice instead of Rob Van Winkle” I simply answer–Because it would not support my argument. THAT’S why.)

    By means of comparison, “Peter David” gets 1,030,000 hits. Clearly MTV is missing out on some serious big ratings by ignoring the comic book creative community. Although I would not wish this on PAD or even my worst enemy, imagine Peter, John Byrne, Dave Sim, Colleen Doran, Allan Moore, Erik Larson and Steve Ditko in one house with cameras. I’d buy satellite TV just for that.

  10. Why such a big fuzz for an adult woman drinking a couple shots? even getting drunk… how that becomes a “morality” issue? You can say alcohol is bad for her for many reasons but it doesnt have a moral dimension per se.

    Are they confusing ethic with ethylic?

  11. Is it possible to say “A plague on both your houses?” O’Donnell is annoying, presumptuous and in-your-face. That’s her public persona, and apaprently close to her private one as well.

    As for Trump, I tried to read “The Art of the Deal” and switched to skimming half way through. His “genius” at business was basically slapping expensive marble and fixtures on existing properties and charging out the wazoo for them. That’s not genius, that’s a used car salesman slapping a new coat of paint on a clunker and lying about it.

    If there’s any meaning to this feud, I think it’s percieved class warfare. In many people’s minds O’Donnell is the common, ordianry woman on street level fighting the big, annoying rich guy. In the Reagan years Trump would have been given a free pass. Now there seems to be a change in public support. (Not that I think either one of these guys would be fun to talk to at a picnic.)

  12. I don’t think the difference is so much that Rosie doesn’t have a pëņìš as that she has a much larger audience than THE DAILY SHOW or THE COLBERT REPORT. It’s one thing to be mocked by a late-night basic cable comedy show or two; it’s quite another to be mocked by the new star of a wildly successful major-network talk show. (This is *not* a reflection of quality: I love THE DAILY SHOW, I like THE COLBERT REPORT (although the format is a bit repetitive — “Hey, tonight’s the episode where Stephen mocks conservatives by pretending to be one! I wonder what he’ll do tomorrow night?”), and the best take on THE VIEW I’ve seen was the MAD TV sketch where the four hosts were nothing but clucking chickens.

    Of course, debating the morality or appropriateness of Miss America is bathetic. The whole thing is a way for Trump and O’Donnell to get free publicity — which they’ve gotten in spades.

  13. The emphasis on those other shows is on humor and satire, whereas Rosie was expressing a critical opinion

    I’ll just add that the purpose of humor, satire in particular, is often critical. Sure, we laugh at Swift’s A Modern Proposal, but he hoped we would move beyond the laughter.

    It’s her grating personality that pìššëš me off

    On the other hand, I’m always impressed when a celebrity uses their position to do good — such as Rosie’s For All Kids Foundation (

  14. In the Reagan years Trump would have been given a free pass.

    Don’t know about that–wasn’t it during the Reagan years that Harry and Leona Helmsley got indicted?

    The more you know about Trump, the less there seems to be. He’s a relentless self promoter–it’s interesting that he and Martha no longer get along since they seem to have so much in common.

    Rosie, judging from folks I’ve known who have actually had small dealing with her, is a pretty unpleasent person to deal with (though maybe she was just having a bad day, who knows?). I was pretty amused to see her slammed by the Chinese-American community for her “ching chong” comment right after she went on that bizarre rant against Kelly Ripa over her perceived “homophobic” comment to Clay Aiken (Who apparently hasn’t even come out yet. Thanks Rosie!). Live by political correctness, die by political correctness…

    What’s really sad is that there are 1 million stories to tell and none of the ones I’m interested in involve Rosie, Donald, Kelly or Clay. Yet somehow, without trying, I know this one. Jeeze.

  15. imagine Peter, John Byrne, Dave Sim, Colleen Doran, Allan Moore, Erik Larson and Steve Ditko in one house with cameras. I’d buy satellite TV just for that.

    Let’s get Gail Simone in there too, for an even 8. 6-2 is still a little male-heavy, but we are talking the comics industry.

  16. The only times I’ve ever found Trump interesting were when he had his brain put into Bill The Cat’s body and whenever he has to hire Duke.

    What? You mean… Those weren’t real?

    Oh. In that case, I’ve never found Trump interesting. Or Rosie O’Donnell for that matter.

    Never mind.

  17. imagine Peter, John Byrne, Dave Sim, Colleen Doran, Allan Moore, Erik Larson and Steve Ditko in one house with cameras. I’d buy satellite TV just for that.

    You forgot Rob Liefeld.

  18. PAD, I can’t outright dismiss your hypothesis that Trump’s feud with Rosie is motivated by sexism, but neither can I say it’s a “slam dunk.” JamesLynch’s explanation is equally plausible: that O’Donnell is simply a more high-profile target than the Stewart, Colbert, or even Letterman. If in fact this is a publicity stunt (and given Trump’s track record, that too is plausible) it would make even more sense to concentrate his fire on flavor-of-the-week Rosie.

    Anyway, it sickens me that Trump gets any attention whatsoever. About 16 or 17 years ago, Playboy published an interview with Trump wherein he praised the Chinese government for its violent, sadistic, and horrifying crackdown on the demonstrators in Tiannamen Square.

    I’m serious.

    I’m guessing he got away with it because, well, it’s Playboy and who reads the articles? (That’s a joke, people. Put the torches and pitchforks away.)

    After that I wrote him off as an áššhølë who proves that you needn’t be intelligent nor innovative in order to get rich. He hasn’t done a dámņ thing since then to prove me wrong.

    Oh, and folks, I think you’ll have a hëll of a time getting Dave Sim to go anywhere. The last stuff I read from him indicated that he has deliberately isolated himself from just about everyone, including his family, and spends his time pursuing a very… interesting… theology that he seems to believe he “discovered” but is in fact reminiscent of gnosticism.

    Also, as I understand it, Steve Ditko also avoids publicity.

    Putting PAD and Rob Liefeld in a room would be like giving PAD a baseball bat and telling him to go at it with an asthmatic kitten. Personally, I wouldn’t want to watch something so cruel.

    Finally, if you want to watch Byrne melt down before your eyes, you need only go to his forum. It’s happening with such regularity that I swear he pencils it into his calendar.

  19. Bill Mulligan,

    In general I’d say that an internet search is a fair way to judge fame. As fair as any other, at least. However, I think the pørņ star has a massive advantage in that arena. The web has a lot of pørņ sites, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his name appears on pørņ sites that don’t even have him in any of their movies. Kinda like a horror site will mention Stephen King’s name.

    Anyway, to get back on topic, wasn’t there some bad blood between Trump and Rosie before this?

  20. Oh, I was kidding aboutthe fame thing, though I could certainly have an easier time picking Ron out of a police lineup than I could C.C. Deville. It’s just one of those fun “Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?” factoids to muse over–“Ron Jeremy is in 3 times as many sites as Jonas Salk!!! Where did we go wrong???”

    Anyway, to get back on topic, wasn’t there some bad blood between Trump and Rosie before this?

    She was a guest at his second wedding. You have to wonder if there is something we don’t know. Then you have to wonder why you are wasting time wondering this. Then you have a drink.

  21. The Donald is definatly using this as a publicity stunt. He is an egomaniac and did what I thought no man could do in my lifetime: has more talked about bad balness concealing hair substiute than William Shatner.

    But while Rosie is the “funny one”, “The View” is not the satire that is the Daily Show or the Report.

    Also, neither Colbert or Stewert looked into the camera and spoke directly to Donald telling him to “sit and spin” It went beyond her role as a casual commentator and was a personal attack, eye to eye. What had he done personally to her (at that point)?

    Personally, I can’t stand either of them, but I’m just a litte-itty-bitty-tiny bit on Trump’s side. They’re both JERKS. But because one makes jokes, she has fans more willing to come to her aid. I now feel soiled for even commentating on this farce.

  22. Why such a big fuzz for an adult woman drinking a couple shots? even getting drunk… how that becomes a “morality” issue? You can say alcohol is bad for her for many reasons but it doesnt have a moral dimension per se.

    Are they confusing ethic with ethylic?
    Because at the time she was out drinking, she was 20 years old, and thus breaking the legal age of drinking laws – and doing it very publicly. This is considered immoral behaviour – not the getting drunk, but the breaking of the law. The making out with the other model has rarely been mentioned, and the possible drug use mostly ignored.

  23. If there’s any meaning to this feud, I think it’s percieved class warfare. In many people’s minds O’Donnell is the common, ordianry woman on street level fighting the big, annoying rich guy. In the Reagan years Trump would have been given a free pass.

    Don’t know about that–wasn’t it during the Reagan years that Harry and Leona Helmsley got indicted?

    My guess is if you ask people who Leona Helmsley is, most of them would reflexively respond “The Queen of Mean.” Harry Helmsley treated his staff just as badly, but I don’t think most people could tell you who he was.

    During the 1980s, the actress who approached O’Donnell’s archtype closest might have been Roseanne Barr, and I remember at least one other actress who felt free to publicly criticize Barr’s show for presenting unattractive (ie. normal-looking) people. Trump would have done better Reagan-era simply because he could count on other prominent women to not intervene when he retaliated against a woman who dared to criticize his sexist and condescending behavior.

    That seems to be the only point of venting his disgust of Rosie O’Donnell — to isolate her. That’s a class act.

    The more you know about Trump, the less there seems to be. He’s a relentless self promoter–it’s interesting that he and Martha no longer get along since they seem to have so much in common.

    Martha Stewart isn’t a relentless self-promoter. What Trump and Stewart have in common is that they market themselves as people in control. The difference between them seems to be Trump does this by indulging his ego, and publicly dumping on people and isolating them.

    Rosie, judging from folks I’ve known who have actually had small dealing with her, is a pretty unpleasent person to deal with (though maybe she was just having a bad day, who knows?).

    She was also voted class clown, homecoming queen, and prom queen her senior year, and we all have an idea how catty high school kids can be.

    She also made a $50 million donation to charity a condition of her 5-year contract for her eponymous tv show. Imagine the accolades Donald Trump would receive if he secured as much money for charity as he took home?

    I was pretty amused to see her slammed by the Chinese-American community for her “ching chong” comment right after she went on that bizarre rant against Kelly Ripa over her perceived “homophobic” comment to Clay Aiken (Who apparently hasn’t even come out yet. Thanks Rosie!). Live by political correctness, die by political correctness…

    The problem with offending the Chinese, I think, is that they have problems making their grievances conventionally understood. The stereotype of “model minority” is hard to characterize as a form of oppression. It’s like autodealers who overcharge black customers in that a competent Chinese guy in the workplace will be valued the same as an incompetent white guy. (Not my personal experience, since start-ups don’t tolerate incompetence very well. They simply fall apart.) Inequity in the workplace of course happens to white people, but without the “ching-chong” public celebration of this kind of exploitation, without the media invisibility (other than public grievances and stereotypes most Chinese don’t identify with), and without the obvious emasculation of unflattering sexual race-based stereotypes.

    Rosie O’Donnell’s problem was that she was told the “ching-chong” mock-Chinese was analogous to calling black people ni**er — which I don’t think anyone believes — and she had to apologize for an offense Chinese people probably understand only intuitively. She probably felt as confused as someone making a televised apology for taking “I’m not touching you” too far.

    Considering the stigma against gays was at a point where even Ronald Reagan had to step in and say it’s ok to touch gay people, good for O’Donnell for challenging Ripa. When O’Donnell was sued, her emails to her girlfriend were submitted as evidence for no other reason than to blackmail her over her private relationship. If they had been married, their correspondence would have been off-limits. But it isn’t like they had the option to marry.

  24. While on first glance Peter would seem to be right, and I’m not saying there isn’t some shred of truth to it, there is also an interesting spin on this whole “feud” as well.

    As of right now, WWE CEO Vince McMahon and Trump are about to enter a storyline feud over the rights to the catch phrase, “You’re Fired” among other things. Last Monday on the first RAW of the new year, Mcmahon made reference to both Rosie and Trump, first calling Rosie “Yokozuna”, one of the WWE’s former sumo-esque wrestlers, and then basically calling out Trump. Sunday night on PPV he claimed he would have Trump v Rosie on the Monday Night RAW telecast.

    Reports have been coming in that this will lead to Trump coming on-air and eventually managing a wrestler who would go againt a wrestler of McMahon’s choosing. Reports also say that NBC contacted WWE to try and drum up some publicity for Trump and The Apprentice. The WWE is more than glad to do this since having K-Fed on several shows made headlines and their last attempts at primetime on NBC weren’t met with high ratings.

    This oncoming trip to the wrestling world may be one of the reasons Trump is continuing to keep his beef with Rosie going and won’t keep his mouth shut. Publicity, Publicity, Publicity.

    And no, I’m not making any of this up.

  25. Czar’s right, I just heard about this “challange” last night.

    Considering that HHH just apparently tore his quad again, the WWE could use a good main event. Would Trump be crazy enough to actually step in the ring against Mr McMahon? And who would the fans root for?

    I’m guessing that there is zero chance that Rosie is in on this at all.

  26. >O’Donnel’s statement that he declared bankruptcy, arguing that his companies have, but he himself has never done so—a business world distinction that I admit I had never considered myself …

    It’s usually the case. We had a major-league developer in Canada who declared bankruptcy a couple of decades ago. Somehow he managed to retain his U.S. and overseas mansions and still had enough cash left over to buy a major U.S. department store chainand so forth. I should be so lucky to achieve such a sad state of ‘bankruptcy’. As Heinlein wrote, you don’t tend to see rich guys having to tighten their belts when they go bankrupt. It’s the little guy who winds up shy a dime for lunch.

    >Now we have a new season …

    Oh, Gods, no! Not ANOTHER one?! What does it take to kill that awful show? Bad ratings don’t seem able to do it. And they thought 50s era horror film monsters were hard to do in.

    > Roseanne Barr

    Oh yes. Her. I can vividly recall how depressed I wound up when she was dubbed the “queen of comedy.” Having seen the superb Australian actress Ruth Cracknell palying the senile old lady to perfection in the hilarious MOTHER & SON series, I couldn’t help think that, if Barr is the best we can come up with, it’s time to pack it in.

  27. Harry Helmsley treated his staff just as badly, but I don’t think most people could tell you who he was.

    That’s probably because just as he and Leona were being indicted for tax fraud, he was hit with a disabling stroke and was declared incompetent to stand trial. After that, the entire story of the trial became about how badly Leona treated people.

  28. I haven’t followed this thing that closely, so my one question is why O’Donnell was so upset by what Trump did. Yes, Trump is not someone I consider a “moral compass,” but did he really set himself up as such? He was the only one in the position to fire Miss USA. But he gave her a second chance, which doesn’t strike me as hypocritical. Wouldn’t he be more deserving of O’Donnell’s ire if he had fired Miss USA because she was not behaving appropriately?

    O’Donnell, for example, was the one who took it upon herself to accuse Kelly Ripa of homophobia, which practically outed Clay Aiken. And I say that episode: Aiken was a jerk. If I’d done the same thing and Ripa had responded similarly, would Ripa now be considered racist? That’s absurd.

  29. Anyone who tells off that obnoxious, nasty, disgusting Rosie should get the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    Sure Trump is an arrogant ášš, but it is pretty much his schtick.

    How Rosie has a career I will never know. I will say she didn’t act much like her true self on her talk show. But otherwise i can’t stand her.

    and no, I don’t think Trump acted that way becayse she was a female or a lesbian, she insulted him personally, not in fun which is a bit different, and apparently mischaracterized his “bankruptcy.” Considering he makes a fortune off of the fact that he is a perceived authority on business (He got a million just for a one hour seminar or something), I can see him being upset. Plys, knowing Trump, it was probably in part to plug the Apprentice.

    But it is very difficult to criticise individual “minorities” of any type w/o being accused of being bigoted against the group that individual is part of. I mean, cripes, this guy has attacked Martha Stewart, Mark Cuban, and others and makes comments on everyone. But this is because she is a woman. or gay. or fat. Which one?

  30. Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ášš about any of the following people: Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell, Kelly Ripa, Clay Aiken, or Rosanne the Beast from Hëll, but here are my thoughts:

    Rosie O’Donnell is not funny and never was. I don’t watch the View, but unfortunately, these days, you can’t avoid seeing those clips no matter what channel you watch. Her antics were not funny.

    Donald Trump is using this “split” for publicity. Duh. Here’s the clincher: The same week Rosie made fun of him, his bid to open a slots parlor in Philadelphia was rejected. Which did he spend tons of time bìŧçhìņg about to the press?

    Kelly Ripa/Clay Aiken: Again, don’t care. I don’t know if she was being homophobic or was worried about catching the flu as she had claimed because he was shaking hands with audeience members just a few minutes before. But, when did it become socially acceptable for a guy to just put his hand over a woman’s mouth? Why is she supposed to apologize for objecting to an unwanted touch?

  31. Jeez, how’s that for bad luck and screwy timing?

    HHH blew out his left quad in a tag match (doing a normal, easy to do move rather then an insane bump) , spends a almost a year in surgery and rehab before coming back and now he gets to spend the fifth anniversary of his return to wrestling in a hospital after blowing out his right quad in a tag match while performing a normal, easy to do move rather then an insane bump.

    The Trump/WWE thing will likely end up being a dud. I also doubt that O’Donald is in on it. Not that her being in on it would stop it from being a dud. It’ll be a dud because the only thing that has grown more stale and boring then the public displays of Vince’s ego is the constant displays of Trump’s ego.

    This is being set up around “You’re Fired!!!!” and the Yokozuna shot at O’Donald was just a fluke of timing.

  32. I have to strongly disagree with you, PAD, on one part of your argument.

    Leno is not a “slim male”.

  33. As Heinlein wrote, you don’t tend to see rich guys having to tighten their belts when they go bankrupt.

    There’s different kinds of bankruptcy. You don’t always lose assets, nor do they always have to tighten up too much. A rich person who files bankrupotcy tends to have more options because he has more income generating ability and more assets to play with. It’s totally different situations. If he has to file a chapter 7, it would be one thing. but he wouldn’t likely have to do so.

    Bankruptcy is a very misunderstood process. people don’t really get it. they don’t even use the term “bankrupt” anymore, and haven’t in over 25 years. But if rich guy #2 goes files bankruptcy he is usually NOT “bankrupt.” As opposed to poor guy #6, who is either “bankrupt” or trying to save his home.

  34. Bankruptcy laws differ from state to state and country to country. It’s also true that rich people have more options than poor people. And there are differences between personal and corporate bankrupcties. For them, a lot of what gets lumped into being called “bankruptcy” is really just a restructuring of debt. Also, there’s a line where you owe so much money to a bank that the bank stops being your creditor and becomes more of a silent business partner. If Trump’s casinos owe billions to the banks, the last things the banks can do is force the casinos out of business and face the wrecking ball. They’d literally get pennies on the dollar. So, instead, they negotiate a reorganization with Trump that will enable them to get repaid over time while the casinos stay in business.

    One of the reasons why many rich people are able to hold onto a lot of their personal assets after declaring bankruptcy is that they’ve incorporated themselves. The Trump corporation may declare bankruptcy, but Donald Trump the individual does not. It shelters his personal assets better that way.

    BTW, am I the only one who thinks that he’s had his name tattooed in big gold letters on the back of Melanoma or whatever his current bimbo is called?

  35. Peter David: And what’s the emphasis of “The View?” Curing cancer?
    Luigi Novi: The show itself appears to be geared toward topical discussion rather than humor.

    Peter David: Rosie O’Donnell said nothing that was any more vicious than anything anyone else said. But she had the audacity to do it without a pëņìš.
    Luigi Novi: Maybe.

    Or, perhaps he just doesn’t watch Stewart, Colbert or Ferguson, but does watch The View. (Anyone here know if he’s ever mentioned that he’s watched the former shows?)

    Or, perhaps his comments were elicited by an entertainment reporter who decided to ask him about O’Donnel, and not the others, which is why Trump did so.

    There’s always other possibilities, is all I’m saying.

  36. re: WWE:
    The former partner of the wrestler currently known as Umaga (in Three Minute Warning) and the wrestler formarly known as The Hurracane (who’s a big comic fan and likely a fan of PAD’s) is named Rosie. I could almost guarantee that is the “Rosie” who’ll be showing up.

    As for “outing” Clay Aiken. Rosie no more outted Clay than Kathy Griffin did in her whole Clay Aiken concert routine or any other comedian who’s called him “Gay Aiken” over the years.

  37. (Anyone here know if he’s ever mentioned that he’s watched the former shows?)

    He’s good friends with Babara Walters. That may have had somethingto do with it as well; it’s easy to get upset at attacks that come from something run by a friend.

    As for “outing” Clay Aiken. Rosie no more outted Clay than Kathy Griffin did in her whole Clay Aiken concert routine or any other comedian who’s called him “Gay Aiken” over the years.

    But hers was not part of a comedy routine, just made as a matter of fact statement. Look, I could not possibly care less if Clay Aiken is gay, staright, bi, neutered, or into whatever it is that Troy Maclure was into. But I think it would be nice if people, especially those who claim to be on his side, let him handle this in his own way.

  38. Bankruptcy laws differ from state to state

    It’s mostly uniform. However, although bankruptcy is federal, they allow states law to influence some things, like exempt assets

  39. I disagree. She brought up the subject in a scolding manner and not in a comedic manner. If she was trying to make fun of him and the situation then I don’t think there would have been hoopla over it. Though maybe not because there is the new season to promote.

    Either way, Rosie O’Donnel has having a history of attacking anything or anyone she disagrees with (i.e. Tom Selleck and his NRA ties). Donald Trump will take anything he can get to help shill his product. The less said of these people will make the world a better place.

  40. Ser asked “But he gave her a second chance, which doesn’t strike me as hypocritical.” – he didn’t give Miss Nevada a second chance for photographs of her partying five years before she was crowned Miss Nevada (when she wasn’t a pageant winner). The photographs were about the same level of “naughty” Miss USA was engaging in… and yet Miss Nevada lost her crown, money, etc, and Miss USA didn’t.

    Miss Nevada? Not national news. Miss USA is. And Trump is a hypocrite.

  41. Most of the letters in the newspapers around me that commented on the issue were scolding him for keeping her on as Miss USA.

    Also, as for Miss Nevada, photos matter. You are accused of something it is one thing. People see it, it’s another. Her level of raunchiness was more than what was alleged with Miss USA. Plus Miss USA had the alcohol problem excuse.

  42. As for “outing” Clay Aiken. Rosie no more outted Clay than Kathy Griffin did in her whole Clay Aiken concert routine or any other comedian who’s called him “Gay Aiken” over the years.

    But hers was not part of a comedy routine, just made as a matter of fact statement.

    Aiken has denied being gay since before Triumph the Insult Dog promoted neutering for PETA three years ago by saying it “didn’t hurt Clay Aiken.” Rosie O’Donnell obviously did not out Clay Aiken.

  43. >Bankruptcy is a very misunderstood process. people don’t really get it.

    Oh, rich folks get it all too well. One such here, a few years back, owned the local NHL hockey team and the $200M arena they lost … er, played in. Both were money pits and had racked up substantial debts.

    What did rich guy do? Declared bankruptcy on both and had the debts wiped off the books.

    Then had the nerve to put in a bid – dimes on the dollar – for both.

    He almost succeeded, too, until there was such an outcry that he was politely told not to bother trying.

  44. It looks like the Trump vs Rosie bit on WWE Raw will use someone doing a lame impersonation of O’Donnel. Meh. I like Scavenger’s booking a lot more.

  45. Well, in fairness to Vince McMahon, Donald Trump is being played by an actor as well.

    Still, I prefer my pro wrestling when it’s between real people like Doink the Clown and Mantaur.

  46. Boy was THAT retarded. The crowd hated it and not in a good way. I swear at one point they were chanting “TNA! TNA!” and “We want wrestling!”

    Or maybe that was me. Geeze, Vince need sto hire some writers, if he’s gonna insist on this “sports entertainment” silliness.

  47. Vince and his writers have killed wrestling since the demise of WCW and ECW and the subsequent purchase of them by the WWE.

    With no competition, it’s gone horribly downhill the past few years, plus, most of the true “personalities” (for lack of a better term) have left wrestling either due to injury, death, or to get away from the industry. Not many left to either root for or against anymore.

    It was fun fictional entertainment while it lasted at least.

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