A great French commercial

This is about a hundred times funnier than the ad for “X-Men III: The Last Standing Ovation.”

25 comments on “A great French commercial

  1. Not having seen the film, I was wondering to myself (“is the French word for emperor and penguins similar?”). Viva la Google! I now know the movie is about Emperor Penguins.

    It is indeed a hilarious commercial. The look on the faces of the Napoleons at the end is priceless.

  2. LOL! Now that was funny! The last scene is priceless – and makes the “movies are made to be seen” a very appropriate tagline…

  3. That is absolutely delightful. I’m going to have to share it with the guys on MySpace, LiveJournal and BuckDharma.com.

    Ðámņ, that’s funny.


  4. I saw this on TNT’s “World’s Funniest Commercials” special — and yes, this could be the best one! (Alas, host Kevin Nealon is still doing his “Mr. Subliminal” schtick — and it’s because everything else he did was painfully unfunny.)

  5. Funny stuff, thanks for sharing. BTW PAD can I have the envelope that your most recent No Prize came in? (mentioned in the letter page of FF #541)8^)
    chuck elam

  6. Awesome, I’m stealing that and forwarding it to everybody so I can take credit for it. I mean, uh, nice find. Ahem.

  7. I can’t get the link to work, but from the comments, I gather that it’s a commercial for a paying channel (Canal +) whose specialty is showing very recent movies. And yez, it is one of the funniest commercial I’ve ever seen. Now, if somebody could post that Harp Lager/irish dance commercial, I’ll be really happy.

  8. Why oh why, can’t people with this kind of imagination and skill go into making full-length movies instead?

  9. That was very, very funny. And I didn’t think the French had a sense of humor. Best laugh I’ve had in a while. Thanks, PAD.

  10. There’s a commercial for Old Spice with Bruce Campbell that’s just shy of genius, posted on AICN right now. It’s the only thing that can measure up to the emperors right now.

    Thank you, o Evil Twin, for bringing me joy with this. And thanks be to the great god Bruce, for explaining what experience is all about.


  11. I hadn’t seen either of these before. True greatness. Personally, I think the Standing Ovation is better, though. I really wish I could have seen Hugh Jackman in Oklahoma. That would have been fun.

  12. Does anyone have a link to the Bionic Woman milking a cow? Ever since I read that comment I’ve wanted to see that

  13. Quel frommage! This is the kind of great talent a country develops when it watches Jerry Lewis movies for decades.
    Seriously, the genius is brilliantly intellectual. I loved it.

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