Rob Riggle looked piiiiiissed off

When “Daily Show” correspondents do their presentations, they typically adopt a sort of faux arch attitude, leaving Jon Stewart looking bewildered (and I have to say, it is amazing to watch Stewart go from being joke-deliverer to straight man with such facility.) It is that archness that makes much of the material work, because what they’re saying is incredibly sarcastic, but it’s presented as if they’re unaware that what they’re saying is sarcastic at all.

Not so with Rob Riggle last night in discussing the Bush build-up.

Typically the DS comes up with nonsensical areas of expertise for their commentators: When Bush nearly strangled on pretzel sticks, it would be discussed by their “Senior Junk Food Hazard Analyst.” But Riggle is an ex-marine, so he really *is* something of an expert on military affairs, especially in discussing boots-on-the-ground tactics.

And boy, did he look pìššëd.

I think the audience sensed it. The laughter from what he said was more uncomfortable than it typically is. He came across to me like a guy who was absolutely incensed, doing his best to try and make it comically appealing, and not quite managing. I can’t blame him: This is a guy who, unlike the commander-in-chief and the VP, has genuine on-the-ground experience. He does not take life as cheaply or consider it as disposable as America’s leaders apparently do. And, to me at any rate, it showed.