State of the Union 2007

9:02: If your lawyer is sleeping, better give ‘im a nudge, everybody look alive ’cause here come the judge(s)!

9:03: Condy Rice looks nice. Hey, you know what this needs? Joan and Melissa Rivers offering fashion commentary on the carpet.

9:06: Red is a power color. Interesting, the women dressed in bright red outfits. They pop out at you in the group shots.

9:07: I think when Bush enters, he should be proceeded by a guy playing “Hail the Chief” on a kazoo. That would entertain me. And when he gets up to the podium, he should just toss aside the prepared text, step forward and shout, “You wanna piece of me?! C’mon!”

9:09: He’s wearing a blue tie. Blue=Democrats. Conciliatory?

9:10: It’d be cool if he kept shaking hands and then kept right on going out the far door, leaving everyone standing there going, “Wait? Huh?”

9:11; Still clapping. I wonder how long the ovation would be if his approval rating weren’t in the low 30s.

9:13: Nice touch, acknowledging “Madame Speaker.”

9:16: “Each of us is guided by his own convictions.” Including the criminal convictionst that plagued the GOP.

9:16: Oh, NOW he wants cross-aisle governing.

9:17: Yes, wages are rising…thanks to the Democrats raising minimum wage. 41 straight months of job increase? Can anyone back that up?

9:19: Yeah. Earmarks. That’s certainly something that presents a major concern to Americans.

9:22: Oh, geez, here we go with school vouchers again.

9:23: The quality of education, and the fiasco that has been “No child left behind,” isn’t exactly something I’d boast about.

9:24 Stony silence for the health care plan.

9:25: Ooooooo, that was embarrassing. Lots of people sitting on their hands for the health tax break plan. Could it be that they perceive it as, ultimately, a means of getting big business off the hook for health benefits while not at all guaranteeing that everyone can get health insurance?

9:26: Okay, good point about malpractice junk law suits. That’s just out of control.

9:29: Yes, we are too dependent on foreign oil. But “clean safe nuclear power” is a bit of an oxymoron.

9:31: And we’re going to reduce gasoline usage in the US how, exactly?

9:32: If we want to decrease gas usage, keeping the price of gas DOWN is the wrong way to go. You want to keep it high so that people will be motivated to use less gas.

9:35: Yes, by taking the war to the enemy, we can win the war on terror, just as we’ve won the war on crime and poverty and drugs and…

9:34: Okay, who had 9:34 in the 9/11 pool?

9:38: Terror terror terror terror

9:39: Who had 9:39 in the Iran pool?

9:40: in the six years since we were attacked? I thought it was five years?

9:41: If a fraction of the money spent on the war had been spent on education, the country would be in a lot better shape.

9:41: Terror terror terror terror terror terror terror

9:42: Was McCain asleep or taking notes?

9:43: Terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror

9:44: Of course, we wouldn’t even have to be thinking about breaking promises and leaveing friends if he hadn’t gotten us into the war in the first place.

9:45: Does he realize there’s a whole bunch of country outside of Baghdad?

9:47: Baghdad is NEVER going to be secure. He msut know that. It almost sounds as if he’s setting up framework for going into Iran.

9:50: No, they didn’t vote for failure, they voted for a military incursion that was intended to findd WMDs, based upon falsified information fed them by Bush.

9:54: Finally moved away from terror.

9:55: interesting that the SC justices don’t stand, not even for combating Malaria.

9:57: Plug a basketball player success story. There’s a slam dunk.

9:58: I think it would be funny if there was an orchestra who played him off if he went on too long.

9:59: The annual parade of people continues.

9:59: Yeah, okay, the subway car guy. That was one dámņëd heroic thing he did.

10:01: The depressing thing is that if this decorated Sergeant were a democrat running for President, there would be a GOP disinformation campaign organized to assert that he didn’t actually earn his medals.

10:02: Jon Stewart called it. He said the country would be blessed by God, and that Bush would say the country was “strong.”

Overall a very low key, sedate, even borderline somnambulant presentation.