The Defintion of Insanity

The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.

We’ve been sending troops into Iraq. The result? Civil War, fighting, and young people dying.

Bush’s solution? Send troops into Iraq.

Different result?

No reason to believe so.

Someone should do a dictionary entry for “Insanity” with Bush’s picture next to it.


Bush’s Speech about Iraq

We are watching the NBC feed.

No Sound….Ah there he is. Very furrowed brow.

Wow, he is admitting that his plan didn’t work. (9:02)

Background information but still not calling it a Civil War (9:03)

He’s taking responcibility but then he is the determiner

Sound problems(9:04)…and we are back.

Invoking September 11th again. Panic and Fear runs the streets yet again.

So if I am understanding this he thinks that if we secure Bagdad then we secure the Iraq? (9:06)

So this is what the Iraq military will do but what will our commitment be?

20,000 more troops from where? Where are we finding these troops? A question not answered(9:08)

Sounds like a scorched earth policy with Iraq help. Didn’t work in ‘Nam too well did it?(9:08)

So more death will help the progress in the country? Sounds like he is covering his kister for many more American troops that will be killed(9:09)

Build up the Iraq troops and give money to the reconstruction getting the money from where? (9:11)

Brings up the ghost of Bin Lauden again along with Al Quida to again raise the fear level.

Notice that he keeps bringing it back to what might happen here if we don’t do something there. Let’s leave the mess there (9:13)

And we are now onto Iran again and the threat that is Iran (9:14)

At least he said “nuclear” correctly.

Condi is going to Iraq again. Hope she packs her flak jacket. (9:15)

Are we going to cut and run or stay and mire? (9:16)

Dehumanizing the enemy yet again (9:17)

Changing what Victory is. I think this is a good example of factiness. (9:18)

He still can’t say the words “Civil War” can he?

So by sending more people in, we can get the troops out faster? I am flashing on the last days in ‘Nam. (9:19)

Yet another bi-partisan working group being formed to join all the other groups that have gone before them.

Kath is not happy with the troops are great part of the speech. She has friends who have lost brothers, sons, daughters and even grandchildren as recently as yesterday. She feels he really doesn’t get it.

And we are back to the commentary…..

Smells Like New Jersey

You know, when a massive noxious stink enveloped Manhattan, the first thing that occurred to me was that something was wafting in from New Jersey. But then I thought, “Nah. It’ll seem like I’m just making a cheap joke at the expense of the Garden State. So I won’t say anything.”

And now it turns out that, yeah, apparently it WAS New Jersey, something that should come as no shock to anyone who’s ever had to roll up their windows traversing the Jersey Turnpike lest the stench cause them to lose control of the wheel.

What the hëll goes on in that state, anyway?


Two things I usually don’t think are worth getting into

1) Celebrity feuds. A waste of time.

2) Shouting “Sexual discrimination” at the drop of a hat.

But something about the new celebrity feud of Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump (who, in keeping with the spirit of mushing couples’ names together, I shall henceforth refer to as Rosie O’Donald) strikes me as worth commenting upon.

The O’Donald half of Rosie O’Donald is bìŧçhìņg that he was ill-used by Rosie for her comments over the irony of O’Donald serving as the arbiter of morality and second chances vis a vis Miss USA. (Personally, I think he did the girl no favors by letting her off. Dozens of Miss Americas have vanished into obscurity, but the one who was bounced because of immoral behavior is currently reigning supereme over on “Ugly Betty.” If the current Miss USA, whose name escapes me, had been fired for immorality, she’d have a Vanessa Williams-level shot at an ongoing career.)

Except here’s the thing: What Rosie said was no different, and no more vicious, then anything that was said on “The Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report” or “The Tonight Show” or “Letterman.” And I have to think that the only major difference between all of those commenters and Rosie is that they’re slim male heterosexuals and she’s an overweight female lesbian. I think he’s reacting not to what was said, but who said it.

And now he’s going ballistic over anyone (especially females…see a pattern yet?) who asks him about it, and he hasn’t twigged to the fact that the reason people keep asking him about it is because HE made it a cause celebre in the first place.

How dare women speak their minds and not know the place that O’Donald sees them best suited: Either on runways while sporting bathing suits, or as a loyal daughter at his side ganging up on Meredith Vieira.