Just trying to deal

It’s been a craptacular few days.

First the loss of the GPS and shattered window. Then poor Caroline came down with a stomach bug and I’ve been up with her for the past couple of days. She’s been sleeping on the living room couch and I’ve been at her side with a cooking pot for her to upchuck into, so I’m fighting sleep deprivation. Now both Kathleen and Ariel have come down with the same bug, and I’m worried that it’s going to hit me during the next 48 hours…during which time I’ve got the Midnight store appearance, two bowling leagues, and a flight up to Maine for another store appearance.

Uh brother.


25 comments on “Just trying to deal

  1. Hi Peter!

    First poster twice in two weeks!

    Hope everyone feels better. Make sure you guys get lotsa water/juice vitamins, dayquil, theraflu, Season Six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and lots of unsolicited health advice.

    “Where in Maine are you scheduled to appear?”, said Captain Naraht purely from his yawning vault of personal self-interest.

    –Captain Naraht
    (the Cutsy Moniker of Ray from NH)

  2. Theraflu and Airborne. And Zycam. And Pepto. That should cover all the bases.

    Hope the fam gets better, I am dealing with a sick brother at home who I have to wait on hand and foot cause he is just as whiney as I am when he is sick.

  3. I hear there’s a lot of that going around in the States right now… apparently it’s some form of 48 hour stomach virus.

  4. sheesh.

    sounds rough, Peter – sorry to hear it.

    altho’ on a certain level “gald to hear it” too – If only on the scale that it’s comforting sometimes to know that everyone’s life sucks sometimes.

    I’ve had the kinda day at work that just makes all the mucles in neck and shoulders try to bunch up into one square inch space between the shoulderblades and this past weekend our stupid car had problems – we live in Staen Island, we’re at a Superbowl party in Bronxville and the dámņ thing won’t start! 3 weeks after spending $300 bucks to get the starter replaced!


    It’ll get better man – take care of yourself.

    btw- while in Maine, if you should pass thru Bath, tell my parents I said “Hi”.

  5. sheesh.

    sounds rough, Peter – sorry to hear it.

    altho’ on a certain level “gald to hear it” too – If only on the scale that it’s comforting sometimes to know that everyone’s life sucks sometimes.

    I’ve had the kinda day at work that just makes all the mucles in neck and shoulders try to bunch up into one square inch space between the shoulderblades and this past weekend our stupid car had problems – we live in Staen Island, we’re at a Superbowl party in Bronxville and the dámņ thing won’t start! 3 weeks after spending $300 bucks to get the starter replaced!


    It’ll get better man – take care of yourself.

    btw- while in Maine, if you should pass thru Bath, tell my parents I said “Hi”.

  6. sheesh.

    sounds rough, Peter – sorry to hear it.

    altho’ on a certain level “gald to hear it” too – If only on the scale that it’s comforting sometimes to know that everyone’s life sucks sometimes.

    I’ve had the kinda day at work that just makes all the mucles in neck and shoulders try to bunch up into one square inch space between the shoulderblades and this past weekend our stupid car had problems – we live in Staen Island, we’re at a Superbowl party in Bronxville and the dámņ thing won’t start! 3 weeks after spending $300 bucks to get the starter replaced!


    It’ll get better man – take care of yourself.

    btw- while in Maine, if you should pass thru Bath, tell my parents I said “Hi”.

  7. There’s also a bìŧçh of a winter cold going around–after being sick for 3 weeks I finally went to the doc today and was dignosed with bronchitus, probably as a result of a secondary infection.

    Interesting about the “Norovirus” (thanks for the heads up, John). If that’s what Caroline has, and I think this likely, you honestly stand a pretty solid chance of getting it (though I wonder if you can get it twice? Or if, like influenza, it changes so rapidly that every year we have a new strain). Wash your hands every chance you get. Scrub them before eating. Don’t let anyone else prepare the food. More hand washing. wash all the clothes and sheets that have been touched. A prayer to Saint Alyssa and some chicken soup? Couldn’t hurt.

    Good luck. If the worst does happen they should just copy Kathleen’s blog entry about you staying up all night with the little one and post it on the doors of the shops.

  8. Hope everyone feels better. Make sure you guys get lotsa water/juice vitamins, dayquil, theraflu, Season Six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and lots of unsolicited health advice.

    Season Six? Are you trying to kill them, Cap?

    Hope your family gets better Peter.

  9. Hello, Peter,
    I am sorry to hear of the illness in your house. I strongly recommend the use of Emertrol, which is an anti-nausea medicine. It is basically just glucose but I consider it a wonder drug. We never travel without it and keep a bottle in the house at all times. It will make life much more comfortable for those with a stomach bug.

    Take care.

    Rick Lowell
    Casablanca Comics
    Portland, ME

  10. Me and my little girl are battling a cold at the moment, therefore I know how you feel. I am afraid, sooner or later my husband will catch it as well – or one of the colds that are distributed in his office.

    Hopefully, you will all be better soon. After the rain, the sun will be shining again. 🙂

  11. It never rains but it pours. 🙁 Stupid thug probably left behind his norovirus germs when he busted your windshield.

    (About that… since the thing is a GPS device, that knows where it is so it can tell you where you’re going, isn’t there some way to call the company and ask, “Where’s my Garmin?”)

  12. It’s better to give in and throw up early, then to take stuff to knock off the nausea. I always lose about 2-3 days sleep when my 4-year old daughter, Emily, gets sick. I hope you all get to feeling better soon.

  13. Don’t forget the Pedialyte – yeah, it tastes like crap, but it’s a million times better for anyone who’s throwing up than water/7-Up/Gatorade.

    Hope everyone recovers soon.

  14. If Caroline’s still feeling sick in the stomach, try Little Tummies. Whenever Brian gets a stomachache bad enough, we give him that, works pretty well. And this might just be a me thing, but whenever I was sick, my mom hard-boiled an egg, chopped it up, and I got to eat it out of a coffee cup. Always made me feel better, but again, it’s probably just a me thing.

    Here’s hoping everybody’s better soon, and you don’t get laid up with it too bad, if at all.

  15. Sounds like what my parents have. Nasty thing. Good luck with dodging getting it yourself. Hope everyone gets better soon.

  16. Me “Make sure you guys get lotsa water/juice vitamins, dayquil, theraflu, Season Six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and lots of unsolicited health advice.

    Alan Wilkinson: Season Six? Are you trying to kill them, Cap?”

    Me: Dude! It’s CLASSIC!! “Once More With Feeling”… Everyone forgets and Giles/Anya think they’re married…. Willow goes psycho… and Xander (my personal favorite) saves the world.

    What more do you need?

    –Captain Naraht

  17. What more do I need? Buffy Season 3, natch. 🙂

    Sorry to hear Caroline’s sick–kids always seem so much more fragile when they’re sick than grown-ups do, don’t they? Still, they also bounce back quicker than grown-ups seem to, so I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s up and about.

  18. I will avoid the temptation to get into the morass of the Buffy season Sux debate, and instead just say that I hope the whole David household fells better soon! 🙂

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