Entering the Fray

My musical tastes are slowly being shaped by “Scrubs.” In one episode entitled “My Lunch,” three patients die one after the other, and Dr. Cox’s futile efforts to save the last one with the defibrullator–followed by his explosion of anger–were heartwrenching. During that scene the soundtrack was playing this haunting song that I wasn’t familiar with, which I eventually learned was called “How to Save A Life” by The Fray. The thing was, when I saw it on “Scrubs” I was aware of the refrain and the melody, but wasn’t listening closely to the words. At my request, Kath went out and got me the album and once I heard the whole thing, I realized what it was really about: A poor devil whose friend has committed suicide, and he’s blaming himself because he didn’t take the time to stay by his friend’s side and hear him out. What a tragically sad song. At any rate, I’ve listened to all the songs and am playing it while I’m writing. Great stuff.