See, this is why I love the internet

Over on “,” a review was posted of my novelization of “Spider-Man 3.” And among the comments that ensued was this howler from an individual billing himself as “HumanEnhancement”, which I present without comment…because I’m sure you guys will have a field day:

“Peter David…royally screwed up those “Star Trek” novels he wrote, much like his wife Diane Duane.”


Turtle Power

It appears “300” has been dislodged from its top slot courtesy of another comic book adaptation: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This is one of those times I wish I could draw. I’d love to see a take off on the popular “300” image except we see Spartan soldiers being knocked off a cliff by the Turtles.


David Honigsberg

The chances are that you don’t know him. David was a writer, musician and rabbi, husband to Alexandra, in perfectly good physical shape and not all that old.

And just like that, he had a massive heart attack and now he’s gone.

Some days you’re just left shaking your head and asking “Why?”



I just find it kind of staggering that Clinton is out of office for six years now and Bush supporters are STILL trying to use him as a WMD: Weapon of Media Deflection. Anytime Bush does anything, they try to deflect criticism by claiming, “Oh yeah, well…Clinton did something similar/dissimilar-but-let’s-pretend-it-was-similar, and so how come Bush gets criticized? Huh? How come? Huh?”

As if Clinton was never criticized. As if he wasn’t frickin’ impeached.

How about this notion, Bushies: How about that Bush and his strutting, preening, self-righteous, holier than thou associates should be endeavoring to be SUPERIOR to Clinton? How in the world is, “Yeah, well…the previous guy was no better!” any sort of a defense anyplace other than in the mind of Bush’s most devoted and myopic supporters? If Bush’s entire approach to running for the President was “Vote for Bush–We’re No Better Than Clinton,” there’s no way he wins (I’m sorry, There’s no way he’s appointed.)

What’s it going to take for the Bushies to tumble to this? If Bush has an affair in the Oval Office and then lies about it, what’s the approach then? “Well, we can’t impeach him, because with Clinton it was justified but in Bush’s case it would just be partisan politics?”

Actually…yeah. That’s likely exactly what they’d say.