We won the lottery!

You know the big $370 million New York lottery? Well, Kath bought a ticket, and guess what? WE WON!

Not the whole thing. We didn’t have all the numbers. Only some. But we still won!

We got three numbers correct.

But we won!

We won…

Seven bucks.

But we won!

Seven bucks…on the ticket which cost us five bucks.

So we actually won two.


Any suggestions on how we should spend our newly found wealth?


50 comments on “We won the lottery!

  1. 1First off, what’s this “we” business?? Who bought the ticket? I think she should get to decide!! 🙂

    On the other hand, ‘grats on the victory over probability. If good things come in threes, maybe you should invest that two bucks on another ticket!! Never know!

  2. Seven bucks? Well heck, that’ll buy you a couple of things at the comic store this week!

    Unless you get a crapload of freebies for working at Marvel.

    Hmm. Ooh! You could pick up that new book you’ve been eyeing at the bookstore! You know, the one about the guy that’s by that writer?

    You could buy an action figure!

    Yeah, I’m out of ideas. I just don’t know what I’d do with that much money.

  3. That’s a tough one. I know there’s the temptation to play it safe, maybe invest the money sensibly and live off of the interest, but I say screw it, just go wild and have some fun. You guys deserve it.

  4. You could always invest in the Xavier College Fund. I’m told it’s a smart investment. I invest in it often. You should, too. 😉

    And lil Xavy, as we call him, would really appreciate it. I’m sure he’d even give you a hug. Maybe blow you a kiss. Or slobber on you. He seems to think those three actions are all equal in terms of displaying affection.

  5. I think Fell and Casanova are the only things you could afford with that kind of profit.

  6. I have a great idea – it’ll cost you $2 to hear it. You have my email address.

  7. So when the TV news station interview you, will you tell then that your winnings will not change you. And will tell them you won’t quit your job as this windfall is going to your family’s retirement…?


  8. I thought if you won “The Lottery”, the townsfolk stone you to death. Maybe 3 numbers just gets you a few pebbles.

  9. When I win big like that, I like to celebrate with drive-through. Thanks to the dollar menus, you and your wife can both feast on that big $7!

    My biggest lottery win was $12 and it was (sad to admit) a huge thrill.

  10. I would buy myself a signed copy of the second issue of THE DARK TOWER. I hear that comic’s supposed to be super-cool. 🙂

  11. Very Nice

    if you can make 5% on your money in 200 years you would have over $120,000, but heres the biggie if you can make 10% for 200 years straight you and yours would have well over 1 BILLION DOLLARS

    wow may the force be with you
    good luck

  12. Buy a couple copies of Captain America #25. It is all over the news so it is sure to be super HOT in the resell market.

    Just keep them stored next to your Black Poly Bagged Superman #75.

  13. Drive to a state that has Power Ball and get one quick pick with “Power Play”. With the power play option they pick one more multipyer ball that can multiply your prize by up to five times normal prize (with the exception of the grand prize jack pot). With Power Play your $7 prize would have been up to $35. 😉

  14. Do what most people I saw do when I worked at a gas station… buy more lottery tickets!

  15. When I have 2 dollars I am not sure what to do with I buy the newspaper and coffee at a gas store. Then I sit at the nearest place with grass and read/watch people while sipping my coffee.

    Orrr and this one you can try at your own risk. I go to Taco bell and get 2 sides of rice and beans. Then I sit and watch people as they order food.

    You could get your bowling ball super clean though I think. Doesnt that cost a few quarters?

    Oh wait buy a box of the Harry Potter any flavor jelly beans. Then every one in the family gets a jelly beans and eats it. Last time we played I got the rotten egg one. I almost yacked.

    Have fun with it =)

  16. “You could get your bowling ball super clean though I think. Doesnt that cost a few quarters?”

    I never mess with that machine. What the ball cleaner really does is wax the thing. Completely kills the hook.


  17. Get a stamp and send an application to DEAL OR NO DEAL to be a contestant. Your reaction to winning that $7 ($2, really) is pretty much part for the course there, if the one episode I suffered through was any indication. Seeing people thrilled to win $750 when they had just turned down a sure thing at $19,000 was sad, really.

  18. This is why the UK version of Deal or No Deal is so much better. We still get people happy to win £1000 having turned down £30,000 (which in U.S. terms is, umm, some money) a few rounds earlier, but because there are twenty-one future contestants opening the boxes (and making comments, involving themselves in the show) rather than models, they can celebrate their fortune immediately among friends.

  19. This is why the UK version of Deal or No Deal is so much better. We still get people happy to win £1000 having turned down £30,000 (which in U.S. terms is, umm, some money) a few rounds earlier, but because there are twenty-one future contestants opening the boxes (and making comments, involving themselves in the show) rather than models, they can celebrate their fortune immediately among friends.

  20. This is why the UK version of Deal or No Deal is so much better. We still get people happy to win £1000 having turned down £30,000 (which in U.S. terms is, umm, some money) a few rounds earlier, but because there are twenty-one future contestants opening the boxes (and making comments, involving themselves in the show) rather than models, they can celebrate their fortune immediately among friends.

  21. Frankly, I’d retire. There’s just no way you can possibly top that windfall. And don’t even think of Vegas, Hiro!

  22. Donate to the Chandler Twin’s College Fund. By the time they’re ready to go, the interest might cover a whole class each.

  23. You can invest your newfound wealth in securing a share in the frozen funds of the deposed Royal Family. The funds….

    Not biting, huh?

  24. I’d say use the $2 to e-publish a book on How To Win The Lottery. Unlike many of those authors, you have proof that YOU ACTUALLY WON — AND YOUR READERS CAN TOO!

    But I’d leave out the exact you won. Really, that’s not all that important…

  25. Now you can buy that issue of Action Comics that Superman first appeared in that you have always wanted. Woo-Hoo!!

    Actually, I love people who buy lottery tickets. They keep my taxes lower. Sort of a moron tax.

  26. Or maybe I could interest you in shares in a Texas based energy trading firm. Prices very reasonable, future potential unlimited.

  27. Lord thunderin’ Jaysus Peter, you nearly made me spit-take my tea. . .

    I’m watchin’ you buster. Oh yes. Eyes like a hawk, me.

  28. Buy Joey Q a clue. Tell him no one on this planet is dumb enough to believe Steve Rogers is dead… except the media.

  29. I’d suggest buying the latest X-Factor but 1) you already know how it ends, 2) you probably get a hundred copies anyway, and 3) it costs a little more than 2 bucks.

  30. Awwww man, I can not believe someone beat me to the punch on the Better off Dead Newspaper Kid. I thought that I was the only person short of John Cusac’s mother that saw that movie. Highly recommended comedy if anyone else is interested.

  31. per Arron Thall

    “Buy Joey Q a clue. Tell him no one on this planet is dumb enough to believe Steve Rogers is dead… except the media.”

    I’m with you there.

    but still I have a question –

    Whu is it that the daily News & NY post run articles in there wendsday morniong edition “spoiling” this bit of news?

    If they printed, say, the end of the new Harry Potter book before the general public got a hold of it, there would be a shitstorm of epic proportions – but screw comic book readers, they don’t deserve to be suprised by the stories they like to read.

  32. per Arron Thall

    “Buy Joey Q a clue. Tell him no one on this planet is dumb enough to believe Steve Rogers is dead… except the media.”

    I’m with you there.

    but still I have a question –

    Whu is it that the daily News & NY post run articles in there wendsday morniong edition “spoiling” this bit of news?

    If they printed, say, the end of the new Harry Potter book before the general public got a hold of it, there would be a shitstorm of epic proportions – but screw comic book readers, they don’t deserve to be suprised by the stories they like to read.

  33. per Arron Thall

    “Buy Joey Q a clue. Tell him no one on this planet is dumb enough to believe Steve Rogers is dead… except the media.”

    I’m with you there.

    but still I have a question –

    Whu is it that the daily News & NY post run articles in there wendsday morniong edition “spoiling” this bit of news?

    If they printed, say, the end of the new Harry Potter book before the general public got a hold of it, there would be a shitstorm of epic proportions – but screw comic book readers, they don’t deserve to be suprised by the stories they like to read.

  34. PAD,

    Please forgive me if you have already covered this in other comments areas, but I am sure many of us here would like to hear your thoughts on the tragic shooting and “apparent” death of Steve Rogers yeasterday.


  35. Does anyone know of a guy who has written a book about lottery winners and what they did with the money – including leaving their partners! I briefly met him on a train from Holyhead off the ferry from Ireland! He sounded like he was an American and he sat with another guy.

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