I’m baaaaack

I know I haven’t been around lately, leaving you guys to (tragically) have to think for yourselves (I know, I know…the cruelty). I’ve been buried in finishing my latest “Star Trek” novel, “Before Dishonor,” my first STTNG tale in quite some time. It’s due out in November.

I barely finished before I was off to Wizard Con. Had a great time, both on site and off. Off site I had dinner with Harlan and Susan Ellison, along with a couple of intriguing new acquaintances. On Friday I got together with Bill Mumy and family, whom I haven’t seen in a dog’s age (son Seth has shot up to six feet tall and daughter Liliana, whom some of you may recall from the “Santa Clause” films, continues to look uncannily like her dad.) Saturday night was a Marvel Comics-sponsored dnner gathering where I was seated with Tom Brevoort, Andy Schmidt, Paul Jenkins, Jeph Loeb, Humberto Ramos and Mark Guggenheim (who is, among other things, a writer for “Brothers and Sisters” and convinced me to give that series another shot after the less-than-impressive pilot.)

The convention itself seemed busy but still underattended somehow. Then again, aside from the New York Con, San Diego, and Dragon*Con, “underattended” sums up most of the conventions I’ve attended these days.