Comments on the latest BSG below…

Baltar’s trial resolves in pretty much the expected verdict, but not exactly in the way that I was anticipating. Basically I figured we’d see Lee Adama give an impassioned speech that would sway the five judges, or at least enough of them, to acquit, but I figured it would be part of a summary rather than putting him on the stand and grilling him. Easily Apollo’s best scene in…well, months, I think. Possibly ever. And the notion of Baltar being positioned as a reluctant religious figure who, if they play this right, could rival the dying-again Roslyn for influence is particularly intriguing.

But let’s move to the two big moments:

Are Sam, Saul, the chief, and what’s-her-name, Laura’s new assistant who’s barely made any sort of impression on me until last week, REALLY four of the remaining Cylons? As revelations go it’s not quite up there with my theory that Roslyn was a Cylon, which would really have been a mindbender (not to mention would have neatly explained why Hera’s fetal blood cured her) but it’s an intriguing reveal. I mean, yes, it could just be a massive mindfrak, but I’m leaning toward yeah, this is genuine. The fact that we have to wait until next freakin’ year is no end of irritating.

As for the big reveal at the end (and props to the actress for selling the whole “Yup, I’m gone” concept in interviews), I simply submit what I wrote last week about the subject:

“Have we seen the last of Kara? I wouldn’t bet on it. First of all, blondes named Kara have a habit of coming back. Trust me on that. Second, there’s two obvious outs: Number one, she was seen eyeing what had to be the eject lever. She could have blown the hatch and ejected before the destruction, and with zero visibility and the DRADIS nonfunctional, Lee wouldn’t have known. So she could still be alive. Number two, between all her talk of not being afraid of the other side, and the five unknown Cylons dwelling in a sort of between-death void, it leaves open the notion that she’s one of the five remaining.”

Do they *really* arrive on Earth next season? I’m guessing not. But if they do, I’m betting that it’ll be of higher quality than when the original BSG crew made earthside. Personally I wouldn’t mind a scene of Adama or even Tigh standing in front of a shattered Statue of Liberty growling, “You maniacs…you blew it up!”



  1. The use of “All Along the Watchtower” has pretty much convinced me that a theory I’ve had almost since the beginning of the series is correct…that Earth settled the Twelve Colonies, not vice versa.

    I don’t wanna wait ’til 2008, either.

  2. I put that same theory forward back in the first season, Nytwyng, and became convinced of it after they found the tomb with all the of constellations as they would have viewed from Earth.

    I’m not sure about the four cylons thing, either. Moore has pulled the “things are not what they same” rabbit out of the hat several times before. I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be another case.

    Will they reach Earth in 2008 (frackin’ bášŧárdš making us wait so long)? Well, that certainly looked like the continent of North America at the end. If it’s a hoax, it’s a helluva elaborate one.

    So, if they do get there, I see one of the following possibilities playing out:

    1) The “Ðámņ you!” scenario Peter outlined above, in which Earth is a barren wasteland. Definitely a possibility.

    2) Earth is already overrun by Cylons and the population is subjugated. The base ships could be herding them over there at this point. Possible, but Moore would have to explain why the cylons that were pursuing the fleet were just as interested in finding earth. Perhaps there was a split among the cylons prior to their attack on the colonies. This, off course, would mean that Kara is probably a cylon and would explain how she survived. It might also explain why that other cylon wanted to play house with her. Or she could simply have been duped by humans who are now willingly serving their cylon masters.

    3) Earth is highly advanced and wants nothing to do with their long lost cousins. The fleet gets chased out and has to find a new home. Not likely, since its doubtful Kara would be so eager to lead them to Earth only to see them turned away.

    4) They arrive at Earth in our time. I’d say this is the least likely, since that’s the “Galactica 1984” scenario. Been there, done that.

  3. For the record, Ron D. Moore said the choice of music doesn’t really have any bearing on the story. He just wanted something that would be familiar to us:

    Also, my theory on Starbuck – Lee is the fifth cylon, and he’s the only one who can see her. She is head-Starbuck. I recall Leoben telling Roslin way back in season 1 that “Adama is a cylon.” 😀

  4. Actually, everyone’s a Cylon. In the vein of the Far Side cartoon, where a bunch of wolves remove their sheep costumes, leading one to ask, “isn’t anyone here a real sheep?”, the Cylon ability to impersonate Humans got so good that there are no more actual humans.

    Having only seen sporadic episodes of seasons 2 and 3 (maybe five in all) I only recognized Tigh and the chief among the four of the five “remaining Cylons.” I don’t believe I’d even seen either of the other characters; or if I did, they remained in the background.

    I also saw the episode last week or two weeks ago (I don’t remember; whichever one had Lee putting Kara’s picture up on that wall), but I haven’t gotten any impression of Baltar being positioned as a reluctant religious figure. Maybe that’s a longer, season-wide thread that one doesn’t get a sense of from watching these few episodes.

    Are those four among the remaining Cylons? Perhaps; or maybe the Cylons are messing with them (and by extension, the entire fleet) for some reason. Is there a time when each of them could have been implanted with some sort of “music box” chip, for lack of a better term?

    As to the fifth, well, it could be Kara, I suppose. And if she is a Cylon, is the Kara lee encounters at the end of the episode the same one who supposedly died, or another copy? Though, if she’s the latter, where’d she get the Viper? I got the impression that Kara’s viper was destroyed.

    If Kara is a Cylon, is she really leading Lee to Earth? If it turns out they’re all Cylons, as stated above, then sure, why not? If they’re not, then it remains an open question. It could very well be a “step into my parlor” moment.

    And if Kara’s not the fifth Cylon, who is? At a guess, it’d be someone pretty high up, not some anonymous crew member. Someone like Adama, Baltar, Roslin or Lee.

    Or maybe it’ll turn out to be Admiral Cain. I’m sure that’d come out of left field.

    On the other hand, it’d be… interesting if it were Tom Zarek. But just because Richard Hatch is playing the part.


  5. Btw, there will be a Battlestar MOVIE on Sci-Fi later this year. It’ll be about the Battlestar Pegusus and how it dealt with the Cylon attack on Caprica (and after that).

    So while, yes, we will have to wait till fraking next year (oh come on! Guys! That cliffhanger is just too big to wait till next year..) to find out what happens next on Battlestar Galatica, we will be getting something more this year from the BSG universe! *sigh*

    Anyway, great episode! Enjoyed it a lot. None of the revelations really suprised me, but I gotta say I still enjoyed the whole scene with the four releasing they were cylons a lot. And that cliffhanger!!!!!! Glad Kara isn’t dead! And it was so cool to see Earth. Bet we won’t see the Galatica people get to it till the end of the series though. I don’t think the BSG writers would want to risk coming anywhere near BSG 1980. LOL!

    ” Although the image of Adam or Tigh standing in front of the statue of Liberty and yelling is funny. Hmm. I like Baltar doing it would be even funnier. ” You blew up earth you manics! AT LEAST I never blew up a planet…oh wait…but that wasn’t my fault! Really! “

  6. Okay, people are gonna wonder if I live in a hole or something. Which I don’t, by the way.

    But this was the last episode of 2007????????????

    No. No, NO, NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait that frakkin’ long, gods dámņ it!!!!! This was easily the most mind-frakkin’ cliffhanger of the entire SERIES!!!!

    What is wrong with the people who produce this show? Are they sadists?????????

    Last ep of 2008????

    Aw, felgercarb.

  7. To me it feels like the final Cylon definitely isn’t someone who was on Galactica during this episode. They really gave the impression that all the remaining Cylons came together. That would exclude Roslyn in my mind.

    So I fully expected Starbuck to show up in the end. The sequence of Apollo flying around, trying to find the unmarked ship felt very drawn out to me because I knew what was coming.

    However, I give them a lot of credit for the bombshell she dropped. I expected her to say something about not being able to get a song out of her head. Instead they trumped the obvious surprise of her coming back with an actual surprise. Well played. I love how serene she seemed, it was so out of Starbuck’s usual range that it really sold the scene.

    I’ve been wondering for awhile if they could actually redeem Baltar, so his current story is intriguing. However, he still seems to be a self serving ŧwáŧ. If all the redemption happens because the people around him give forgiveness without him actually growing, that doesn’t seem too interesting.

    My personal hopes: They get to Earth next season and wrap up the series with it. I don’t want them to just show up in the last episode, getting to Earth should play into how they solve the cylon problem in a big way. But the show should end because I don’t want things drawn out, either. I don’t want three more years of “we’re get to Earth eventually,” and I don’t want them to dwell on Earth and lose focus.

  8. I’m gonna hafta rewatch later. Had last bottle duty. But what I saw was pretty cool.


    1) Adama, Starbuck, etc. are schismatic Cylons.

    2) The Colonists are to the Lords of Kobol what the Cylons are to the Colonists, artificially created servants that achieved sentience and then rebelled.

    3) The whole “planet of the Apes” scenario has potential.

  9. I think Roslin IS a Cylon – the dream was shared by Athena (Cylon), Six (Cylon), Hera (Half Cylon) and… Laura?

    Why three Cylons and Laura unless she IS a Cylon.

    But if she is, does that mean Cylons can get breast cancer?

    Also, I know that the Four probably ARE four of the final five, but I’m not totally convinced – because the final five have been set up almost as these holy models that none of the other models have seen. They’re not just some random model put on earth as a sleeper like the original Battlestar Sharon- why else would they be on earth with implanted memories of humans?

    Eh, there’s probably lots of reasons – guess I’ll find out in ’08.


  10. Yeah, the “I meant LEE Adama is a Cylon” scenario is definite possibility. So is Laura. I think Baltar is not, if only because they’ve played the possibility that he is one up so much. I’m still not convinced about Tigh, the chief, Sam, and that other woman. That’s probably some kind of mind game there to undermine the morale of the fleet.

    Frackin’ bášŧárdš.

  11. Personally, I thought the reason Laura shared the dream has something to do with the blood she got from Hera, “plugging her in” so to speak.

    Hmmm, I’ll have to think on this more, just a drive-by post while at work…

  12. I still don’t think Starbuck’s a Cylon. I think she’s tied into the Ship of Lights concept from the original series, as viewed through the current series’ filter.

  13. For the record, Ron D. Moore said the choice of music doesn’t really have any bearing on the story. He just wanted something that would be familiar to us:

    If so, Mister Roboto would’ve been much more appropriate. 🙂

  14. Why are they waiting until 2008 when they start filming in May (according to Mary McDonnell’s article in TVGuide this week)?


  15. If they DO reach Earth next season, and if the next season is the last, the date they should use for Galactica arriving at Earth should be the day after the final episode airs.

  16. When one character said “there must be some kind of way out of here.” I jokingly said “said the joker to the thief” and was shocked to hear those words repeated onscreen.

  17. “And the notion of Baltar being positioned as a reluctant religious figure…’

    Well Baltar does kinda look like Jesus with his long hair and beard … or at least the pasty white non-jewish version we’ve always seen of him ala Robert Powell of “Jesus of Nazereth” fame.

    No significance to All Along the Watchtower?! pfft. yeah right.

    2008?! You Bášŧárdš!

  18. It says something with the reveal of four of the final five Cylons AND the return of Kara Thrace, my biggest What-the-Frak moment was…2008!!!

    Btw, Kara is NOT a Cylon.

  19. Plenty of sites confirming that they are four of the final five now. Great episode, totally redeemed any faith I had lost over the season.

  20. I’m very conflicted on this episode. I had read the spoilers going in and hoped they were wrong. No such luck. I’m left with this, the show has followed the Fonz and Jumped The Shark.

    Ron Moore created this show saying it was going to be about the human experience and unlike other SF shows avoid the “magical super science”. Instead we get more and more drugged induced mysticism, the longer the show progresses.

    More has stated that the “four” are not the same as the cylons we already know in some significant way. Frankly I’m at the stage where if they are real cylons and not a red herring, kill them kill them all and forget them. I have lost any interest I have in the character of the chief. I am more interested in him as the “everyman” character he has been than as some bad guy in disguise. I also don’t buy it because his kid should have been a red flag if it has the same genetic anomalies as Hera.

    THe trial, Lee on the stand very powerful. Geta on the stand, what the frack? He has enough on Baltar and everything he did to string him up 10 times over but instead the writers decide he has to lie? What the hëll was the point?

    Power outage: What the frack? Theory tends to be an EMP which really is just stupid since at least the Galactica has been ground zero to an EMP from being ground zero of a nuclear explosion and let’s not forget Malestorm which should have knocked out the entire fleet there if it was possible.

    Starbuck: Three thoughts if this is a “head” Kara, then I’ll buy it for whatever reason and go from there.
    If she is a cylon I’ll take that.
    If this is the “original” Kara, then Moore and crew have no balls and I just once again lost more interest in the show. Killing off this character was on the par with the death of Col. Blake in Mash. Startling, unexpected and leading to a whole new feel to the show… Kara’s return? Ball-less, it’s like they took this step and then ran back to mommy after they decided to leave permenantly.


  21. Sam, Tigh, the Chief, and the President’s assistant are not Cylons. The “music” is probably coming from wuthin the nebula.
    Meanwhile, I thought the last couple of moments with space warping into an image of Earth was more symbolic than actuality at the time.
    As for Kara, crew members were given the route to Earth at the end of the original series’ adventure “War of the Gods”.
    And does anyone remember the original series episodes “Greetings from Earth” and “Experiment in Terra” where they had interactions with humans that decided not to complete the journey to Earth but instead colonized a habitable planet found along the way?
    THAT may be where the music is coming from!
    But the Statue of Liberty sequence would be interesting.

  22. A few more thoughts.

    The chief has a kid. That makes a second human/cylon hybrid. If that isn’t referenced in future episodes, that seems like a problem to me.

    It’s interesting that the four new cylons just went back to work for the human side. Tigh became more interesting than he’s been in awhile when he made that decision.

    I loved Baltar’s lawyer. In his first episode I got the impression that he only tells the truth when he has his sun glasses on. Then I forgot about that. Last night when he put down his cane and put his glasses back on, I busted out laughing.

  23. •I wish they hadn’t teased with the line “we’re all cylons” last week, though.

    •When the Clyon was telling Kara that this has all happened before, a while back, I was thinking that it would be quite cool if the first Battlestar series was also part of “continuity”
    : )

  24. PAD: Basically I figured we’d see Lee Adama give an impassioned speech that would sway the five judges, or at least enough of them, to acquit, but I figured it would be part of a summary rather than putting him on the stand and grilling him.

    I hated the way Lee’s speech was presented as part of testimony. Liked the speech, and thought he made his case very well.

    But, c’mon! Did he really say anything at all about whether one of the judges had pre-judged the case? That’s what he was called to the stand for. To support the motion for mis-trial.

    The prosecutor objected and even said his comments should be in summation, not testimony. She was obviously right and it irked me no end that the writers had a character actually point this out and then ended up doing the scene as they did.

    Would one iota of drama been lost if Lee had been the one to do the summation and had given the exact same speech? Nope.

  25. “The chief has a kid. That makes a second human/cylon hybrid. If that isn’t referenced in future episodes, that seems like a problem to me.”

    Unless, of course, he’s not the father…


  26. Not necessarily a problem, even if he IS the dad, either.

    And I’m not convinced that Kara’s been a Cylon all along either. She may be one now, I’ll grant you…

  27. Four things I beleive have been overlooked by people looking to speculate on the upcoming episodes. Terra/Eastern Aliance, Ships of Light, Lucifer and Ibli. Moore and his team have had tons of fun putting a new spin on old ideas from the first show. I won’t guess what is coming up because there are so many twists and turns and (dirty) tricks that can be used at this point. My only hope for the end of the show is a ship to ship battle with Baltar commanding one Motherfracking big baseship and Adama in Galactica while all hëll breaks loose all around.

  28. I don’t want to speculate too much on what Kara might or might not be. From what Ronald Moore has said through his interviews though, he’s confirmed that our Watchtower 4 are in fact Cylons. More, he said there’s some fundamental difference between the 5 and the other Cylon models.

    My guess? The 5 are different from the others in that they’re ‘originals’ or, not part of the upload/download system. I think if any one of them die, that model would be kaput.

    Off topic, but am I the only one who can’t look at Gaius Baltar without thinking of Alexander Siddig? I have a ton of respect for James Calas’ performance, but he’s almost a dead ringer for our old friend Doctor Bashir.

  29. I’m kind of torn on this episode. I think there have been some really bad episodes in this run, and to be honest, I dropped it off my DVR schedule. And after missing a few, I would usually be laying in bed and half watch it on Sunday nights.
    I’m kind of in the “jump the shark” crowd. As soon as we heard the verdict I knew how Adama had voted. And while I didn’t use the same words, what he told Roslyn was the reason I thought of. Which, again to me, is beyond stupid for exactly the reasons why Roslyn berates him. I know we are kind of set up for the “do the right thing” for BSG, but come on. With everything Adama knows he let Baltar off because the “prosecution” didn’t “make the case”? That’s why I hate lawyers. Rather than doing what’s right, they worry about legal. Yes, we all know what an argument that is legal/right, but it’s obvious in this case. I guess it fits the character of Adama, but I thought it incredibly stupid given the number of people’s deaths that Baltar is responsible for.
    Tigh is a cylon? Tigh? He might be a frak up, but he’s darn near my favorite character. He’s the butt kicker and name taker. I just really hate this, but it does go along with something I said during the 1st season. At least one of the major characters would turn out to be a Cylon. Is this why Starbuck’s husband has been going on about her special destiny? And the chief? Well, he did have those dreams about being a cylon and he did beat the crap out of Callie. That wasn’t such a shocker since we had already had some thoughts that way.
    Starbuck’s return… As soon as Apollo had the unknown on his screen it was so obvious who it was going to be. And pretty much her lines were also. How & why? I don’t know. And I’m not sure how much I care.
    Good things:
    Apollo’s speech on the stand and him suiting up and going out. Apollo is one of my favorite characters on the show and, I feel, has the true heart of a warrior. He may screw up, but darned if he doesn’t try to do the right thing. Edward James Olmos’ fine fine performance.
    Things that make me go huh?:
    Why did Roslyn’s cancer come back? Can’t she just get a new transfusion from Hera? Is there a story telling reason why 6 is still on Galactica? If so, what is it? What was the deal with the EMP? Did one of our Final Four have something to do with it? Were we suppose to infer by Roslyn’s aid and Tigh’s similar “I’m here to help” comments? While I did like the cover of All Along The Watchtower, I thought it out of place. Kind of like the Rock & Roll in ST:First Contact. And the view of Earth(?)? Is the fleet closer than we think?

    Now, let me say one more thing. I like and respect Ron Moore. I think he’s a great writer and I’ve enjoyed his work and plan on continuing to enjoy his work. I think the first 2 seasons (including the mini) is some of the greatest television I’ve ever seen (forget it being scifi on tv, just great tv). He created my favorite “modern” Star Trek series and I think he’s a great talent. I just think ever since two things have happened, my interest in the show has faded. The “blinded by the nebula” episode where Kat died and the hiring if Jane Epperson. I don’t know how much the 2nd has to do with the 1st, but what was when it happened for me. Here’s hoping that BSG goes out in it’s 4th season with a bang and not flying motorcycles. 🙂

    PS during 6’s dream with the glowing figures (final 5?) in the balcony, did it make anyone else think of the angels that appeared in the Iblis episode of the original BSG? And then when Starbuck turned up “alive”, it made me think of that episode even more (though I think it was Apollo who was dead).

  30. Aw, heck. I wanted to be the first one to bring up Baltar’s ever-increasing resemblence to Christ. And, just to tie a few threads together that really shouldn’t be, what if Cameron and his celebreologists found several mysteriously inscribed ossuaries next to the box Baltar was carrying and a Cylon arm. You know, right down the passage from Data’s head and Sma Clemens’ watch.

    And was I the only one that expected Baltar to get shot right after the verdict? I kept waiting for it until the end of the episode. I actually thought his lawyer’d do it. That’s how I woulda written it.

    Now, I’m wondering something. Is EVERYONE going to be able to see Kara next season, or only Lee, sorta an oppostite to the Baltar/Six situation?

  31. I forgot to mention, I’da sworn that Edward James Olmos was channeling my dad for some of the courtroom scenes, to look THAT pìššëd øff. I’ve been on the wrong end of that look, made me want to run for the nearest fallout shelter.

  32. Having only seen sporadic episodes of seasons 2 and 3 (maybe five in all) I only recognized Tigh and the chief among the four of the five “remaining Cylons.” I don’t believe I’d even seen either of the other characters; or if I did, they remained in the background.

    Sam Anders had been a star player on the Caprica Buccaneers pyramid team, until the Cylon attack. He managed to escape the destruction of the city he was in, and hooked up with a number of other survivors (including most of his pyramid team) to form a resistance movement on Caprica. They harassed the Cylon occupiers, blowing things up wherever they could. He also found Kara and Helo, after Kara had gone back to get the Arrow of Apollo, and was instrumental in rescuing her from the Farm. He remained on Caprica when she returned to the fleet, but later she got a rescue mission together to get all the rest of the survivors off Caprica. (I bet the fact that no such missions were sent to any of the other Colonies figured into Baltar’s book…) Sam and Kara were married, but separated after the Exodus from New Caprica (she felt too damaged to stay in a relationship, apparently, although she had no problem about calling him up for a quick tumble). After Kara’s “death”, Sam joined the Fleet and began training as a pilot, apparently in her honor.

    Tory Foster is the President’s chief aide, appointed after the death of Billy Keikeya. She also assisted Roslin at the school on New Caprica, and had the suggestion, after Roslin’s return to the office of the President, that the most appropriate place to hang the painting of Baltar would be over the toilet. I like her. (It doesn’t hurt that she’s smokin’, of course…)

    I think the significance of “All Along the Watchtower” is clear –


  33. The prosecutor objected and even said his comments should be in summation, not testimony. She was obviously right and it irked me no end that the writers had a character actually point this out and then ended up doing the scene as they did.

    Would one iota of drama been lost if Lee had been the one to do the summation and had given the exact same speech? Nope.

    But it did support Lee’s point that they were making things up as the went along. It wasn’t proper, or lawful, or orderly, but the guy in charge wanted to hear it, so dámņëd if Lee didn’t get to say his peace while he was on the stand.

  34. From a writing standpoint (not that I’m an expert) I have a guess why Lee’s statements weren’t in a closing argument. I think the dramatic closing argument is too predictable. We’ve all seen LA Law, Matlock, and a ton of other TV trials. We all see it coming.

    This gave them a way to spring it on us. Personally, I thought he was just going to repeat what his Dad said and drive the wedge between them even further. Instead we got the speech, and I think the show was a little better for the unusual structure.

  35. MAJOR OBSERVATION – or not : )
    But did anyone else notice that right after the FTL jump to the Nebula, Roslin becomes uneasy and disoriented; as The camera ZOOMS in on her …THEN the lights go out! THEN the other four recognize themselves as Cylons…Could she be the Final Cylon? The Ring leader? The center piece?? Would love to hear other thoughts and speculations – especially since we have until 2008!!! Argh!

  36. I thought Helo was the father of Hera???

    Course the way Six keeps hinting- Hera’s Baltar and and her Love Child …

  37. I read that Moore said these four are definitely four of the final five, but they’re not like the usual Cylons.
    My theory is that they’re not sleeper agents so much as they’re Cylons meant to be human by having complete lives with no Cylon influence whatsoever, other than the trigger letting them all know of their origin.
    I bet they will struggle over their loyalty, which should make for some great stories.

  38. Sean Martin: “Would one iota of drama been lost if Lee had been the one to do the summation and had given the exact same speech? Nope.”

    Yes it would. First, Lee had to be pushed into giving that speech impromptu by Mark Sheppard. It had to be spontaneous, just all his feelings bubbling to the surface.

    And second (and more important), the critical emotional moment for that scene (for both Lee and us) is when Admiral Adama insists on hearing what Lee has to say–that’s what tells Lee that his father is willing to listen to what he has to say, not just in context of the trial, but in the context of their relationship with each other.

    Quix posted this link above. My favourite part of that article is the opening paragraph, where each character has the actor who plays them listed right after the first mention of their name–and apparently the actress who plays Starbuck is “Kara Thrace”.

  39. Michael said, “Off topic, but am I the only one who can’t look at Gaius Baltar without thinking of Alexander Siddig? I have a ton of respect for James Calas’ performance, but he’s almost a dead ringer for our old friend Doctor Bashir.”

    I’ve gotten that same impression. But more from his voice than his appearance. To my ears, the two voices sound very similar.

    By the way, those who posted after Quix, with questions and/or theories about the four Cylons, the chief’s kid, Roslin’s cancer returning, and other matters, go back and click on the link to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette interview with Ron Moore. Many of those issues are addressed there.


  40. THe trial, Lee on the stand very powerful. Geta on the stand, what the frack? He has enough on Baltar and everything he did to string him up 10 times over but instead the writers decide he has to lie? What the hëll was the point?

    Gaeta really, *really* wanted to see Baltar fry (or decompress, whatever). What would his honest testimony have revealed? That he didn’t actually witness Baltar signing off on the executions? That the Cylons did coerce Baltar? For him, better to lie and make Baltar’s guilt unequivical.

  41. Great episode. Wonder if we are ever going to learn what Baltar said to Gaeta right before the Pen Is Mightier moment.

    Not convinced Kara is a Cylon. Tori being one? Totally left field-
    What would blow me away is if Billy walked through CIC.
    Tyrol-possibly, having an affinity with machines- why didn’t he “sense” iit before, as was the case with Sharon and the captured raider.
    Tigh- poetic irony if so. Sam- could be, he was on Caprica, maybe as a plant in the resistance. He spent years in the service, unlike Sharon who was implanted with memories.

    I think these final five are a split faction- possibly cylons who have reached earth and oppose the other 7.

  42. [b]Well Baltar does kinda look like Jesus with his long hair and beard … or at least the pasty white non-jewish version we’ve always seen of him ala Robert Powell of “Jesus of Nazereth” fame.[/b]

    James Callis is Jewish (according to Wikipedia and they’re NEVER WRONG!!!)

  43. I’ve been alternately calling him “Jesus Baltar” and “Gaius Christ” all season with the look he’s sporting…

  44. For what it’s worth, Moore’s stated that this isn’t a bait and switch in this interview:

    I’m not sure what his track record is like with these sorts of comments, but he seems like he’s playing it straight with the interviwer.

    On a personal note, while I thought the choice of All Along the Watchtower was appropriate, I found it a little jarring/disengaged from “viewing” once I realized they were singing Hendrix. (yeah, I know it’s a Dylan song, but I thought Hendrix first…). Anybody else?

    And anybody else think the Final Five are unique (there aren’t many copies…)?

  45. I don’t see how Colonal Tigh could be a cylon. The human model cylons were presented to us as a an upgrade that the cylons came up with after the first war while they were sitting behind the armistice line for forty years. It was always my impression that they had only had human model for a very few years: not much longer than two (Sharon Valeri had joined the fleet two years prior to the attack).

    But Saul Tigh is a veteran of the first cylon war. He has a well established history that goes back at least that far. Given that the cylons were a human creation that rebelled against them, I simply cannot believe that there were human-type cylons back then. For Tigh to be a cylon, the orginal would have to have been replaced with a copy at some point after a human model was perfected. It just doesn’t seem to be possible.

  46. “The human model cylons were presented to us as a an upgrade that the cylons came up with after the first war while they were sitting behind the armistice line for forty years.”

    Well, they were “always” presented that way in that the timeline was mentioned a couple times and then never mentioned again. So there’s a little bit of evidence that this is the case and nothing to go against it.

    That’s not the same thing as having lots of evidence. Since the main 7 cylons don’t even know what the final five look like, their information obviously has gaps.

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