9 comments on “

  1. Good for you. It was, no b.s., one of the better “how to” books I’ve read in some time. Simple, effective and very entertaining. Here’s to its winning.

  2. Congratulations Peter.

    On a different note, CBR’s latest Urban Legend article mentions your idea (joke) about Wolverine’s adamanatium being ripped out by Magneto.

    I never knew you were the guy responsible! Just the same, reading the article, I had to laugh because the whole situation (from X-cutioner’s Song up through Fatal Attractions) sounded exactly like everyday PAD fare. Nicely done =)

  3. Awesome! I definitely enjoyed the book. It was inspiring, informative, and fun! And it made me want to start writing again.

  4. PAD,

    Congratulations on the nomination.

    I briefly considered casting my vote for the Eagle Awards. However, while I’m familiar with many of the writers and artists up for the various awards, I’m not reading most of the works listed. And I take it the “Favorite Comics Writer/Artist” categories are for the works cited, not in general.

    Take #14, “Favorite New Comicbook.” I’m not reading any of the nominees. I also didn’t read any of the nominees for #17 “Favorite Comics Story Published during 2006.” I read comics last year, just not any of those.

    Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall would win #19, “Favorite Original Graphic Novel”, because I haven’t so much as glanced at any of the others. Likewise with #24, “Favorite Comics-Related Book.” PAD’s is the only one I read, though I have skimmed through Making Comics.

    Curious that CBG wasn’t among the nominees for “Favorite Magazine About Comics.”

    In all, I’d be able to answer seven of the 28 questions, unless the Favorite Writer/Artist/Penciller/etc. categories are for their work in general, and not the specific books cited. I probably will still vote, but before I do, are we voting for, say a favorite writer based on the specific work cited?


  5. Congratulations, PAD! The book is very entertaining, and informative, both worth the money and worthy of (at least) nomination.

    And actually, Michael, your comment about Wolverine’s adamantium loss IS relevant to this thread – PAD relates that story on page 28 of the book.

  6. Hmmm. Hey I did cast my vote for Peter. Now, I would rather have cast my vote for X-Factor, too.

  7. I enjoyed that book very much and hopefully you will win this award. When I read the book I posted a review in a few places. Here is a copy:

    I have been reading comics, especially Marvel, since childhood. My
    parents were sure I would lose interest quickly but they were wrong: I
    am in my mid-fourties now and although my daughter can`t read yet, she
    loves looking at the comics while I am reading them. She especially
    likes Spider-Man.

    When I got the book, she immediately said “Peter David”. She can`t read
    but she does recognize certain words. I thought, this was pretty funny.

    There are quite a few people who think media SF is something inferior
    compared to non-media books, something I never agreed with. In many
    cases this is a prejudice people would forget very quickly if they would
    approach them open-minded. The same applies to comics. Also comic books
    can be very intelligent and have thought provoking stories. They have
    given me a lot: Not just entertainment but they helped me to learn
    English before I started reading English novels. And today it is
    something interesting to share with my child. It wouldn`t surprise me at
    all if my comic collection will also help her to learn how to read.

    Peter David`s book shows that also comic books are about writing good,
    entertaining stories. In that regard, there is not a big difference from
    novels. Most of the chapters deal with topics like characterizations,
    continuity, conflict, story arcs, plot and pacing. Only the last few
    chapters deal with comic specific topics like using and placing word
    balloons and sound effects. Also scripting and the use of art is

    This book presents facts but in a very entertaining, fun way. He gives
    several examples from his long experience as a comic writer that are
    very amusing sometimes and interesting.

    I think this book is an interesting read for any fan who enjoys reading
    in general, not just comics. It is certainly a useful book for fan
    fiction writers and participants of the Strange New World contest.

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