One in Four

This one is kind of difficult to talk about and will probably be difficult to read. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if Kath and I were going to be discussing it, but she said she wanted to, so I’m following her lead. I’m putting it below the cut line though so you can know in advance that this isn’t a typical blog entry.

People have been asking…

Steve Rogers. Shot dead.

People have been asking me to comment.

Understand that, if I were a fan, my reaction would be, “Yeah. Sh’right.”

As someone working for Marvel, you have to realize that I knew this was coming months ago. And I know what’s going to be happening over the next months.

So I can’t say anything.

What I will say is, “Dang. It HAD to be the same week as the latest issue of Friendly Neighborood Spider-Man…?”


We won the lottery!

You know the big $370 million New York lottery? Well, Kath bought a ticket, and guess what? WE WON!

Not the whole thing. We didn’t have all the numbers. Only some. But we still won!

We got three numbers correct.

But we won!

We won…

Seven bucks.

But we won!

Seven bucks…on the ticket which cost us five bucks.

So we actually won two.


Any suggestions on how we should spend our newly found wealth?


My coolness factor

Some of the guys in my local bowling league have a vague idea that I’m some kind of writer, but don’t know the specifics, and I never make a big deal about it.

That changed a bit yesterday when Howard Stern was doing a Star Trek trivia question: What was the name of Sulu’s daughter? Sulu himself, George Takei, was on as he sometimes is, and he made reference to “The Captain’s Daughter” written by Peter David. The result? One of my teammates asked if I was the selfsame guy mentioned on Stern. Naturally it was and he spread mention to other folks. So I think my coolness factor was bumped up a bit.


OUT THIS WEEK: X-Factor #16, Fallen Angel #13, Wonder Man #3, 1602: FF #5

And that’s not even counting the newest “Fallen Angel” trade from IDW. So…whad’ja think?

By the way, just to forestall the inevitable question: An entire dialogue exchange was dropped/changed in XF #16, rendering a reference to a famous film rather obscure. It will be fixed in the trade. Here’s how the bit originally went, picking up midway through page 6 in a scene set just outside a Paris jail:

PANEL C: Same angle as the wall is smashed open, bricks and mortar flying everywhere.

PANEL D: Monet steps through the sizable hole.

PANEL E: Monet stops and looks as a red balloon floats past. Siryn is visible behind her.

MONET 5: Hunh.

SIRYN 6: What?

MONET 7: Just thinking how much I hated that movie.

SIRYN 8: What movie?


PANEL A: Suddenly the balloon explodes. Monet and Siryn both look startled.


PANEL B: The tattered remains of the balloon flutter to the ground. Monet is looking at the tattered remains; Siryn is looking straight ahead, reacting.

MONET 1: Never mind. It’s moot now.

OFF PANEL 2: Don’t move!