Would’ve been more appropriate to discuss this on April 1, I guess, but…

I just happened to have “Man on the Moon” on in the background while I was working. While I was once again struck by the sheer injustice of Jim Carrey not being Oscar nominated (his work on MOTM should have been a slam dunk for nomination, not to mention “The Truman Show” which I always cite as my favorite science fiction movie, much to the confusion of many), I found myself wondering for the first time in ages…

Andy Kaufman: Really dead? I mean, family and friends swear to it, but still, if *anyone* could pull it off…


57 comments on “Would’ve been more appropriate to discuss this on April 1, I guess, but…

  1. A bit dated and bit too “Hollywoodized” in parts, but the Story of G.I. Joe has always been high on my list of biopics.

  2. Ya know, to this day, I keep expecting Keith Richards to step up to the mike during a Rolling Stones concert, look around at the audience, pause for a moment, and mumble: “braaaiiiinns…”

    Given his diction these days, could anyone tell?


  3. Re MOTM, a friend of ours was once Andy Kaufman’s roommate. There are some scenes she isn’t 100% sure whether they’re Kaufman or Carrey.
    And she lived with the man.

    That’s good acting.

  4. “”Congrats! You were the best at impersonating this other person!” Jim Carrey merely impersonated the way Andy acted in real life.”

    And Martin Landau “merely” impersonated Bela Lugosi, and Helen Mirren “merely” impersonated the Queen. If you don’t like biopics, that’s fine, but the Academy has a track record that doesn’t agree with your tastes. On that basis, I say again, Carrey was woefully overlooked.

    SER: A friend of mine feels the same way: That what Jamie Foxx did in “Ray” was not “acting.” It wasn’t creating a character. I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. For one thing, great actors take this past being a SNL sketch. And while the reality of the character has its advantages (you can study tape of the person), it has its disadvantages in the audience brings in its own expectations.

    I thought Anthony Hopkins was a brilliant Nixon despite looking nothing like him (as opposed to Dan Hedaya in ÐÍÇK). It was almost like Shakespeare — this character is larger than life and the essence of who he is/was is more important to capture than just an “impersonation.”

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