Busy Lazy Sunday

For a day that I didn’t really “accomplish” anything, yesterday was pretty busy.

First we all went to a museum in Riverhead called “Dinosaur Walk.” Last time we were there a few months ago, Caroline refused to set foot in the place. But now she was begging to go and ran around doing various activities and checking out all the “life sized” dinosaur replicas.

Came home and watched the Mets beat the Nationals by a trim 1-0. If DC starts up a softball team again, all they have to do is buy Nationals baseball caps since they all say “DC” on them.

Went bowling for practice in the afternoon. Made my famous meat loaf for the family for dinner, and then we watched “60 Minutes.” Fascinating interview with George Tenet. Sometimes he was convincing in selling his POV, sometimes less so. I couldn’t help but think, “Aw, c’mon…your interrogation techniques were torture, and you know they were. Say you believed that you needed to use any means necessary to save American lives, that people can call it what they want, and move on.” His refusal to condemn Bush is seen by some as a whitewash because Bush gave him the Medal of Freedom. I don’t think that’s it; I think he really believes that Bush is just going along with whatever he’s told to do, and blames instead the people making the decisions for Bush. Me, I happen to believe the buck stops with the Decider, but that’s just me.

Can’t believe that after nearly 400 episodes “The Simpsons” still makes me laugh. Amazing.