A serialized drama that’s a genuine quadruple threat: Great writing, great acting, great directing, and it’s not on Fox.

If any of you ever wondered what one of the X-Men films would have been like if they’d adapted “Days of Future Past,” last night’s episode answers that. Spoilers below…

As has often been the case ever since the show’s “title character,” Hiro, was introduced, Hiro serves as the moral center for the series. But in this outing, the world has gone dark, bleak and immoral, and whether Hiro’s transformation is a reflection of that or, in some small way, the cause, is open to debate. For all the chilling moments that we witness in this episode set five years hence, the one that got me most was this: Confronted with armed opposition and a means of simply walking past them via freezing time, Hiro and Peter instead choose to take them on directly, slicing and dicing their way through the hopelessly overmatched guards because they “haven’t had a good fight in a while.”

Frankly, I’d been a little dubious about taking a future digression at such a late date in the story arc, but I needn’t have worried. Essential information was passed along, and the Christmas Carol-ish second chance presented Ando and Hiro (“I will save you, New York!”) was especially uplifting given the overall grimness of the preceding hour. Plus I was, frankly, torqued with myself that I didn’t see the reveal with Nathan coming. It’s the best kind of blindsiding: The reveal that on the one hand was shocking, but on the other was natural and made perfect sense given the set up. That throwdown between Peter and his “brother” toward the end looked so kickin’ that I’m almost sorry that future will (hopefully) never happen, ’cause I’d love to see how it would have played out.

At the end we’re asked who will stop Sylar. Personally, I’m betting Ando. I mean, yeah, there’s the illustration that shows Hiro doing it, but Sylar absorbed Isaac’s abilities; for all we know, Sylar himself did the drawing as a means of luring in Hiro with a false prophecy. Having the non-powered sidekick take down the main villain…I kind of like that notion.

My one concern is the announcement of the introduction of a new character: Molly, with a formidable power all her own. If she plays heavily into the resolution, I won’t be thrilled by that. Introducing some young girl into an alternate-world storyline as a deus ex machina…that trick never works.



  1. As to Peter’s scar, I wonder if he maybe receives a wound while in the presense of the Haitian, leaving him unable to fully heal before the scar forms?>

    The Haitian would be my guess as well. I have a feeling the story will be told in the Graphic Novel.

  2. Do we know that Future Hiro changed the past?

    Remember the first time he traveled into the future? That future had Isaac being murdered by Sylar way at the beginning of the season, in November or so. Then that’s when the explosion happened, too. True, that means Hiro only deferred the two events, as far as we know, but that still doesn’tmean they’re inevitable.

  3. Lea said: “Remember the first time he traveled into the future? That future had Isaac being murdered by Sylar way at the beginning of the season, in November or so.”

    That hasn’t changed. It’s currently November in the series. Yesterday’s episode took place just a few days before the election.

    And, in point of fact, Hiro mentioned that the explosion is supposed to happen in a few days.

    The entire season encompasses about five weeks (excluding the flashbacks and jump into the future, of course).


  4. When Hiro first jumped forward, the police discovered Isaac’s body right before the explosion. Tonight he thought he was too late because he saw Isaac’s body and the explosion would happen any minute. It could be in the original timeline when Sylar had Claire’s power that Sylar didn’t kill Isaac for another day.

    One thing we do know – Hiro didn’t encounter Sylar at his mother’s in Queens and break his sword the first time around.


  5. The entire season encompasses about five weeks (excluding the flashbacks and jump into the future, of course).

    Oh, god. I hate it when they do that.

  6. I think the future present Hiro went to hadn’t corrected itself yet. Future Hiro was suprised present Hiro was there, which means that Future Hero never traveled to the future and met himself. Perhaps in Heroes changes to a timeline take longer to affect the future. And it’s also possible that the reason present Hiro failed to save the coffee shop girl was because he was the one trying to change history. And what I mean by that is, future Hiro came back and got Peter to go save Claire. perhaps only someone from a certain time period can alter it. Kinda like someone watching a tv show, or watching someone else play a video game, you physically can’t do anything to alter what happens, but like with the video game, you can offer hints and tips to the person playing that could help them do what you want them to do.

    Otherwise with Hiro everything would be like Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, whenever he barely got out of a tough scrape, he could just go back in time and do something that would make it easier for him to win. Watch Bogus Journey again(if you can stand it) and you’ll see what I mean in the ending battle with the future bad guys.

    And I think Peter got the scar because in the original future, he never came into contact with Claire and gained her powers. If he had originally, then Future Hiro wouldn’t have made the comment about him looking different without the scar. Even when Clair was temporarily dead with the tree branch stuck in her head, once it was pulled out, she healed back up, including the autopsy cuts, which means that even when the power is blocked somehow, it will still heal any wound sustained while it was inactive. For the Haitin’s power to block Peter’s healing power, and cause him to have a scar, they would have to have been together when Peter got the scar, and for the next few weeks that it took for the scar to fully heal naturally, and possibly then negating the healing factor.

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