FNSM #20 mentioned on ESPN2

The latest issue of “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” features a guest appearance by a real-life individual: Kelly Kulick, one of the country’s top female bowlers and Ariel’s favorite. Ariel wanted me to have Kelly show up in an issue of FNSM, and I obliged her, with Kelly’s cooperation (having met her at a Pro/Am a few months back.)

Well, by astounding serendipity, the issue came out today while Kelly was slated to bowl down in Charlotte, NC, in the USBC Queens Tournament. It was being broadcast live on ESPN2. Upon learning that she was down there, I contacted the heroic Shelton Drum of “Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find.” Shelton agreed to bring a few copies of the latest issue over to where Kelly was bowling at AMF Carolina Lanes. He met her, gave her the comics (and she offered him the opportunity to stay and watch, but it was new comics day so he had to get back to work.)

Kelly was so jazzed that she gave copies to the announcers, and fifty four minutes into the broadcast they suddenly started talking about Kelly’s appearance in the book, complete with showing the cover and pages of Todd’s art. Best of all, they mentioned it was Ariel’s idea, and Ariel was absolutely flying.

For those interested in seeing it, they’re rebroadcasting the competition Sunday, May 20 at 1 PM on ESPN. And thanks again to Shelton: Unfortunately they didn’t mention on air where the comic had come from, but he busted ášš to get the comic over there, so I figured I’d emphasize it here.