Finally a spoof to top “Hardware Wars”

I’ve just GOT to get a t-shirt that says, “What the hëll is an aluminum falcon?!”


12 comments on “Finally a spoof to top “Hardware Wars”

  1. I haven’t seen this one yet, but the “aluminum falcon” line was used in ROBOT CHICKEN.

    And I think my favorite STAR WARS parody is the original pilot for TRIPPING THE RIFT. It’s crude, it’s hysterical (“Never underestimate the power of a dark clown”), and for those big DEEP SPACE NINE fans you’ll get to hear Terry Farrell ask, “How about a hand job?” The regular series was lots of fun too!

  2. For my lack-of-money, the best Star Wars parody Robot Chicken ever did was the Vader/Luke confrontation. It had the feeling of vengeance to it, as Mark Hamill provided Luke’s voice (from my admittedly faulty memory):

    VADER: I…am your father!

    LUKE: No! That’s impossible!

    VADER: And Leia is your sister!

    LUKE: (bewildered) No…that’s improbable!

    VADER: And the war against the Empire will be won…by Ewoks!

    LUKE: (totally lost) That’s…weird.

    (wipe to same scene, later, with Vader sipping coffee and Luke reclining)

    LUKE: And The Force?

    VADER: (matter-of-factly) Oh, that’s just some bacteria in your bloodstream called midichlorians.

    LUKE: (getting up, disgusted) If you’re not going to take this thing seriously, I’m leaving. (exits)

  3. I haven’t seen this one yet, but the “aluminum falcon” line was used in ROBOT CHICKEN.

    I think this show is going to be a half hour all Star Wars edition of Robot chicken. Which should be great.

  4. Thanks for sharing the brilliant Vader-Luke exchange on ROBOT CHICKEN. Their getting Mark Hamill to play Luke for that was the perfect icing to the delicious fanboy cake.

    As for TRIPPING THE RIFT, there were three actresses who played Six of Nine. In the pilot the science officer/pleasure android was voiced by Terry Farrell. For the first season, Six was voiced by Gina Gershon, then for season two she was voiced by Carmen Electra. And speaking as a very heterosexual male, those much have been some *really* fun casting session! (“Okay, let’s get a lot of women with sexy voices in here, to read for the nympho pleasure android.”)

  5. I still love Peter’s version of Luke and Leia discussing their parentage from his Return To Jedi: Address Unknown play.

  6. Naw, STORE WARS is better. And it manages to be funnier while making a serious point.

  7. Reminds me of the joke from eons ago in Space Quest 3… But in that one it was the Aluminum Mallard

  8. “I still love Peter’s version of Luke and Leia discussing their parentage from his Return To Jedi: Address Unknown play.”

    Ohhhh yeah. Off the top of my head, it went something like this. Now keep in mind that earlier, when Ben Kenobi had informed Luke that Leia was his sister, we’d had Luke respond: “She’s my sister?! But…what about that kiss in “Empire”? Crap! You mean she’s been percolating my hormones for nearly a decade and she’s my bloody SISTER? That SUCKS!” Fast forward to the moon of Endor:

    LUKE: Vader…is my father.

    LEIA: Vader…your father! Oh…you poor guy. (She starts rubbing his chest, his back, really into it, as Luke gets increasingly uncomfortable.) Ohhhhh, Luke…I can’t imagine what you must be going through.

    LUKE: (carefully removes her hands from him) Uh, yeah…Leia…uhm…he’s your father, too.

    LEIA: Vader…is my father. (She starts to laugh, louder and louder, at the absurdity of the idea. Luke just stands there. At one point she mimics Vader’s breathing just to make sure they’re talking about the same Vader. Luke nods. Her hysterics resume until she finally manages to catch her breath.) Ohhhh, Luke…that is the funniest joke you’ve ever…wow…(She drapes her arms around him) and here I thought you had no sense of humor. (Suddenly realizing) Oh my God, you don’t have a sense of humor, do you. (He shakes his head. She yanks her arms away.) So Vader is really my…

    LUKE: Uh huh.

    LEIA: Which means you’re my…

    LUKE: Uh huh.

    LEIA: Which means we can’t…

    LUKE: Uh uh.

    IN UNISON: That sucks!

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