The Cell That Couldn’t Shoot Straight

Congrats to the FBI. With nary an illegal wiretap or any of the other intrusions on civil liberties that the administration seems to believe is the only way to fight terrorism, the FBI arrested a home-grown terrorist cell composed of amateurs and incompetents. I don’t phrase it that way to diminish the accomplishment, because even morons with rocket launchers can still inflict serious damage, and it’s not like the Virginia Tech guy was an experienced merc. It’s just a factual description of a group of would-be terrorists so stupid that their cell was infiltrated practically from the begining because they wanted to transfer a training video from VHS to DVD, couldn’t figure out how to do it, and wound up with an alert video store clerk tipping the FBI.

The Feds then effortlessly infiltrated them and, sixteen months later, busted them when they tried to buy weapons for an intended strike on a military base. Dix: It’s not just a name for an army post. They’re now dubbed the Fort Dix Six. I’m hoping that someone does indeed try to make a movie about them called “The Cell That Couldn’t Shoot Straight,” which they would then turn down, so that Variety could run a headline that says, “Dix Six Nix Pix.”