FNSM on a roll

FNSM #20 and the Kelly Kulick appearance attracted the notice of www.bowl.com, one of the premiere bowling websites. Check it out. My only regret is that there’s no mention of Todd Nauck; it sounds as if I drew the book.


Gee, I wonder if journalista! will pick it up? A Gary Groth product featuring something about me that’s not negative? I’m thinking not.


12 comments on “FNSM on a roll

  1. Why taint such nice news with a snarky Gary Groth comment…don’t you understand you’re slowly taking over the world via the publishing AND bowling industries? Any day now you’ll have amassed so much power you’ll be able to squish Groth into a wee greasy spot on the sidewalk.

    Oh, and “premier bowling website[s]” has got to be the most incongruous phrase I’ve ever seen.

  2. Michael D. said: “Any day now you’ll have amassed so much power you’ll be able to squish Groth into a wee greasy spot on the sidewalk.”
    I already have that power. Every time I see his photo, I hold my finger and thump in front of me, bracketing the photo, and say, “I peench your head!”


  3. Michael D. said: “Any day now you’ll have amassed so much power you’ll be able to squish Groth into a wee greasy spot on the sidewalk.”
    I already have that power. Every time I see his photo, I hold my finger and thumb in front of me, bracketing the photo, and say, “I peench your head!”


  4. PAD (and others), here’s a heads-up for another review, even if it is for something a touch older (and from Spidey’s Distinguished Competition).


    It’s a review of “Justice League Task Force” #8.

    (As a heads-up to preserve any “delicate sensibilities”, the site is a GLBT-oriented comics site and reviews and comments may not be appreciated by everyone here. The site does have some “adult-only” content, but the reviews usually aren’t. This particular review is no more explicit than an episode of “Will & Grace”.)

  5. My only regret is that there’s no mention of Todd Nauck; it sounds as if I drew the book.

    Cosmic Balance in Action: I read an online article about novelists writing comics yesterday (didn’t save the URL, sorry), and it didn’t mention you while talking about how great Setven King’s comic version of Dark Tower is…

  6. Congrats on the crossover press coverage, but I have to tell you when I first saw the title of this thread I was thinking someone put mustard on the issue and tried to eat it.

  7. “I remember reading a very positive writeup for Future Imperfect in TCJ.”

    I wonder how *that* slipped through.

    So…one positive write-up in a comics and novel career that’s spanned a quarter of a century…as opposed to the carload of slams, snide comments, hostile and misplaced editorials, and snipes.

    Fair and balanced.


  8. If there’s one thing TCJ has never claimed to be is that it’s fair and balanced…

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