Sometimes networks get it right

NBC has announced that it’s renewing the low-rated but high quality, critically acclaimed “Friday Night Lights.”

Interestingly, its numbers are around six million, which puts it right around the numbers “Drive” drew in its debut.


58 comments on “Sometimes networks get it right

  1. And yes I’ve noticed that Criminal Intent is no where to be found on the schedule.

    They’re moving CI to USA for it’s first run, with the assumption that it’ll show on NBC when another new show is canned this fall.

  2. thejohnwilson said: With that show I’d do a 24 episode order. An 11 episode arc with Chris Noth episodes.. episodes 12 and 13 a crossover between Noth and D’Nofrio and then the last 11 of the season with D’Nofrio episodes. That way you could show all of Noth’s episodes in one 11 week block. Pop the 2 hour movie in to be followed the week after with the 11 episodes of Vinnie.

    The reason they started doing the split season at all is so N’Nofrio could do other projects for the rest of the year. The reason they go D’Nofrio week A and Noth week B is that ratings have found D’Nofrio’s episodes get much hirer rating and share than Noth episodes. They need a certain average per couple of episodes to keep the show on the air. If they went with your plan they would likely loose the show before the Goren episodes had a chance to be shot. No– the more sane solution is to cut back to 11 episodes a year and then air Law and Order: Elevator Inspector’s Unit the rest of the year.

  3. thejohnwilson said: With that show I’d do a 24 episode order. An 11 episode arc with Chris Noth episodes.. episodes 12 and 13 a crossover between Noth and D’Nofrio and then the last 11 of the season with D’Nofrio episodes. That way you could show all of Noth’s episodes in one 11 week block. Pop the 2 hour movie in to be followed the week after with the 11 episodes of Vinnie.

    The reason they started doing the split season at all is so N’Nofrio could do other projects for the rest of the year. The reason they go D’Nofrio week A and Noth week B is that ratings have found D’Nofrio’s episodes get much hirer rating and share than Noth episodes. They need a certain average per couple of episodes to keep the show on the air. If they went with your plan they would likely loose the show before the Goren episodes had a chance to be shot. No– the more sane solution is to cut back to 11 episodes a year and then air Law and Order: Elevator Inspector’s Unit the rest of the year.

  4. thejohnwilson said: With that show I’d do a 24 episode order. An 11 episode arc with Chris Noth episodes.. episodes 12 and 13 a crossover between Noth and D’Nofrio and then the last 11 of the season with D’Nofrio episodes. That way you could show all of Noth’s episodes in one 11 week block. Pop the 2 hour movie in to be followed the week after with the 11 episodes of Vinnie.

    The reason they started doing the split season at all is so N’Nofrio could do other projects for the rest of the year. The reason they go D’Nofrio week A and Noth week B is that ratings have found D’Nofrio’s episodes get much hirer rating and share than Noth episodes. They need a certain average per couple of episodes to keep the show on the air. If they went with your plan they would likely loose the show before the Goren episodes had a chance to be shot. No– the more sane solution is to cut back to 11 episodes a year and then air Law and Order: Elevator Inspector’s Unit the rest of the year.

  5. Bionic Woman looked all right. It has Starbuck in it so I’ll at least watch the first episode.

    So they are putting the last two episodes of Drive on July 4th? Thats just insult to injury putting it on a night when no ones going to be home to watch it, or too drunk to care.

  6. Uhm…right.

    I was actually looking for this thread or the Drive one, anyway. I suppose I can almost forgive whoever used the “Master”-bot for making it so easy to find.

    Actual relavent content: I was browsing the sites of the major networks last week, watching the previews of their upcoming shows and I came across the preview for the Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox. It looks kick-ášš and a well-done Terminator series could be absolutely great…but it’s a sci-fi show on Fox. Given how expensive that show looked, I’m not optimistic. Has anyone else heard anything about this?

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