Sometimes networks get it right

NBC has announced that it’s renewing the low-rated but high quality, critically acclaimed “Friday Night Lights.”

Interestingly, its numbers are around six million, which puts it right around the numbers “Drive” drew in its debut.


58 comments on “Sometimes networks get it right

  1. As Wolverine once said on the animated series, and I believe I am misquoting, “I thought there was a shift in the Earth’s alignment.”

  2. And FNL had one whole season to find an audience, as opposed to Drive‘s, er, eight days.

    Kurt: There should be the final definitive word on S60 this week, and nobody’s expecting it to come back, I’m afraid. They’re burning off the rest of the eps here “later this month,” according to TWOP.

  3. I’m with you, Kurt.

    FNL means nothin’ to me. S60, on the other hand…love it.

  4. For everyone who has not given FNL a try because it is a “football” show, you really need to give it a chance. FNL, week in and week out has some of the best writing on television. Football is only the backdrop for the stories.

  5. You know, I have mixed feelings about Studio 60. I really liked the show and wanted to see it continue. On the other hand, we spent two months watching Matt and Hariett break up, and I’m glad I don’t have to see that again.

    It’s like the ingredients of the show were really good, but they kept cooking the same dish over and over and over again.

  6. shadowquest, I’ve heard that before and remain unconvinced. I have no interest in football or a show about football. As for Studio 60, it started out strong and began to fade rather quickly. And too often Sorkin seemed to forget he wasn’t writing for West Wing any more.

  7. I’ve often wondered why Friday Night Lights was never aired on Friday night.

    I never actually watched Studio 60 or FNL. I don’t watch that much TV these days. All I want from NBC is Heroes and Law and Order. They can run a test pattern the rest of the week for all I care.

  8. Well, as far as quality goes, I still say FNL was the better show than “Drive.” That being said, “Drive” still didn’t deserve to be cancelled. This just speaks to the different approaches Fox and NBC takes to its series, in particular that NBC still has executives that are willing to fight for a show they know is good and has the potential to turn a corner with the right amount of money/publicity/buzz behind it.

    Well, that, and NBC is the lowest rated of the four major networks. Meaning 6 million in viewership for a prime-time show is a lot better in the context of NBC than it is in the context of Fox.

  9. Interestingly, its numbers are around six million, which puts it right around the numbers “Drive” drew in its debut.

    However, I suspect that Drive‘s costs are a lot higher than FNL’s thanks to the effects work…

  10. shadowquest, I’ve heard that before and remain unconvinced. I have no interest in football or a show about football.

    Then you should try the show.

  11. In a way this is a return to the days of the late and IMHO, the very great Brandon Tartikoff (Spelling?.

    He gave a struggling series called Cheers a chance after it struggled in it’s first series. And I believe he helped some nothing show called The Sienfield Chronicles metamorphosed into a big show about nothing.
    (And I still remember his great guest starring appearance on Night Court, “Oh my g-d I forgot Mr. Cosby’s sandwiches! (Paraphrased as you had to be there.)

    NBC in my mind has almost always st0od for the National Broadcasting Class networks. And I always preferred Tina Fey’s “30 Rock” to Studio 60.
    (Before this show the only role I really enjoyed A. Baldwin in was Beetlejuice.)


  12. For everyone who has not given FNL a try because it is a “football” show, you really need to give it a chance. FNL, week in and week out has some of the best writing on television. Football is only the backdrop for the stories.

    Like Tim, I keep hearing this, but have not seen or heard anything to make me give a rip about even trying the show. See, I went to school in the Texas “high school football is the be-all end-all of existence” mentality that is the so-called “backdrop” of this series. I despised it when I had no choice but to witness it, so I don’t know why I’d voluntarily watch a show that’s steeped in it (and glorifies it).

    As to why it wasn’t on Friday nights…I can only imagine that it’s because the presumed built-in audience isn’t home on Friday nights…they’re out living that same, “high school football: love it or…well…just love it, idiot” mentality.

    At least they had the good sense to not only pick up Scrubs for its final season (which ABC agreed to do if NBC dumped it) but, apparently, they’re actually going to premiere it in the fall, rather than holding onto it for several months.

    Looking at the new schedule, all NBC has to offer me in the fall is Heroes, its mini spin-off Heroes: Origins and Scrubs.

  13. its numbers are around six million, which puts it right around the numbers “Drive” drew in its debut.

    It’s debut…how about it’s last showing?

    And the differences are pretty obvious…1) FNL is acclaimed by critics far and wide. Drive wasn’t. 2) Drive would cost quite a bit more than FNL would. 3) Fox is in less need to carry a failing series, what with House, Bones, 24, AI, and 5th Grader on it’s schedule. NBC needs to make up with acclaim what it doesn’t get in ratings.

    Sadly, that math doesn’t work for S60, which just costs too darn much:(

  14. But, “Heroes:Origins”?
    I love the show (what are you doing tonight), but I’m a little skeptical about a spin-off so soon, especially the “new character every week bit”
    But then again, if they had guest writers from the Comic-book industry…

    Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?

  15. I think Heroes: Origins is a mini-series, so I’m not too worried about stretching it thin.

    The show that raises a red flag for me is “Journeyman”, which sounds a lot like a rehash of Quantum Leap.

  16. Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?

    See: Jake 2.0, currently airing on Sci Fi.

    re: Jouneyman..that must be what I thought ABC’s Traveler was.. (which explains why there was no time traveling in Traveler–doesn’t explain the lack of interestingness characters though.

  17. “See: Jake 2.0, currently airing on Sci Fi”

    They already have a Jake 2.0 clone there. : “Chuck” (Tuesdays, 9-10 p.m. ET), a comedic spy thriller about an unassuming computer geek who is unexpectedly catapulted into a new career as a government agent after spy secrets are mysteriously embedded into his brain”

    This is the premise of Jake 2.0, except that instead of having nanobots embedded in him, he had spy secrets.


  18. I’d already heard about Studio 60 getting the axe and I wasn’t terribly surprised at the news. I’ll watch the last six, though. I’m delighted to hear that NBC decided to pick up Scrubs for one more year.

    I watched Raines when it was on Thursday at 10, and then I caught the season finale (series finale now, I guess) on a Friday when I wasn’t out. I liked it and I would have continued to watch it if it was on another night and didn’t conflict with something I was already watching.

  19. I believe that Heroes: Origins will be aired in the Heroes timeslot instead of repeats probably mid-season. So, there would be perhaps 12 episodes of Heroes followed by 6 Heroes: Origins for a few weeks, then the final 12 Heroes of the season. Or some variant on this.


  20. Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?

    See: Jake 2.0, currently airing on Sci Fi.

    Hey, I liked Jake 2.0 … until I got busy with school (although it seems like I just turned around and it was gone…)

    This confirms what Neil was saying…

  21. There was also a promising series called Now and Again, where John Goodman’s (the actor, not a character based on him) brain survived an accident and was placed into a perfect nanotech-created body as a super spy. Had a nice human angle as in “What do you MEAN I can never see my wife and daughter again!?”

  22. Regarding the whole ratings thing..

    According to variety, FNL has a giveback floor of about 2.8 million, so thats a safe enough risk if you are pulling 6 (giveback floors are where you have to pay advertisers money or time if it drops below). Drive was below floor after episode 3.

    Higher floors are usually due to higher costs, tho not always, floors go up as series establish and increase ad rates…

  23. “In a way this is a return to the days of the late and IMHO, the very great Brandon Tartikoff (Spelling?.

    He gave a struggling series called Cheers a chance after it struggled in it’s first series. And I believe he helped some nothing show called The Sienfield Chronicles metamorphosed into a big show about nothing.
    (And I still remember his great guest starring appearance on Night Court, “Oh my g-d I forgot Mr. Cosby’s sandwiches! (Paraphrased as you had to be there.)”

  24. “In a way this is a return to the days of the late and IMHO, the very great Brandon Tartikoff (Spelling?.

    He gave a struggling series called Cheers a chance after it struggled in it’s first series. And I believe he helped some nothing show called The Sienfield Chronicles metamorphosed into a big show about nothing.
    (And I still remember his great guest starring appearance on Night Court, “Oh my g-d I forgot Mr. Cosby’s sandwiches! (Paraphrased as you had to be there.)”

    I wished the network would’ve given ALF a better send off.

    Sorry about the double post.

  25. NOW AND AGAIN was a goofy, really fun show! As with many other “new identity” shows, it was mainly about the star (in a new body) trying to reconnect with his wife and kid, while those in charge try to keep them apart. Plus you got to see Dennis Haybert (a.k.a. the former President Palmer on 24) as a somewhat mad scientist.

    As for STUDIO 60, I watched it while it was on and it really went way too fast. (Look at how slowly the will-they-or-won’t-they happened with Josh and Donna on WEST WING; before Season 1 ended on STUDIO 60 we had Matt and Harriet broken up, drifting together, splitting further…) I didn’t miss it when it went on hiatus, and I won’t miss it next season.

  26. FNL is aimed at the younger crwod.

    Airing it on Friday nights would be counter-intuitive. Most young people do not watch television on Friday evenings, especially during sports seasons

  27. Ok, I get that some people do not like shows about football, but how about shows dealing with the trouble with drug abuse, the feelings of being suddenly confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life, divorce, rape, the constant peer pressure of teen sex, (and dealing with it as a parent) and bipolar disorder to name a few story lines. FNL has dealt with all of these with superb writing. I too grew up in a small town where football was everything (and I was a trumpet player in the band no less) so I know where you are coming from, but this show is definitely worth watching.

  28. So now I read FNL is being moved to Friday night at 10pm.

    10pm indicates a change in maturity level for the scripts, but Friday night (prediction time!) means that season 2 will be the last.

  29. LDK sez: Hey, I liked Jake 2.0 …

    Hey, I dug it too! It was a great series…they even admitted their influences and had Lee Majors show up on it.

    But it didn’t catch on, and went bye bye.

  30. 10pm indicates a change in maturity level for the scripts, but Friday night (prediction time!) means that season 2 will be the last.

    Not necessarily. You don’t need to be as big of a hit to survive on Friday night as you do other nights. Friday night also doesn’t get as many younger viewers, but it does get older folks who enjoy fun dramas (notice Numb3rs has a nice little run going there…not as huge as other CBS crime shows, but it’s family drama + quirky crime solving gets it enough to keep going.).

    Really, Friday 9pm is about as good of a slot as FNL could hope for.

  31. FNL doesn’t have Nathan Fillion. That’s the reason the show is still airing.

    I swear, that man is cursed.

  32. Didn’t have time to read all the responses, but PAD may be happy to learn that the final two filmed episodes of Drive will air on July 4th, 8-10 pm (pretty sure that’s the date).

    Take care,

  33. Ok, I get that some people do not like shows about football, but how about shows dealing with the trouble with drug abuse, the feelings of being suddenly confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life, divorce, rape, the constant peer pressure of teen sex, (and dealing with it as a parent) and bipolar disorder to name a few story lines.

    Depends on the presentation…the “package,” if you will. I like me some chicken fettucini alfredo…but if it’s got broccoli tossed in there, too, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to pass.

    I too grew up in a small town where football was everything (and I was a trumpet player in the band no less) so I know where you are coming from, but this show is definitely worth watching.

    Doesn’t need to be a small town. Heck, anywhere in Texas, including the suburbs of Dallas, high school football is treated almost as a religion. One of the network affiliates, for their Sunday night newscast, you get about 20 minutes of news, then 25 minutes of a “sports special” for professional sports, then another 30 minutes of their “high school sports special.” High school sports rates more airtime than news.

    If it’s so worth watching, you’re welcome to have my viewing. 😉

  34. “Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?”

    Anything can go wrong. The new Bionic Woman actually is completely different than the old show other than the name. So it’s basically a brand new show and could be good or bad.

  35. “Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?”

    Anything can go wrong. The new Bionic Woman actually is completely different than the old show other than the name. So it’s basically a brand new show and could be good or bad.

    Not to mention that, even while announcing their fall schedule, NBC stated that they’re going to be “repurposing” (whatever that means) the new Bionic Woman over on their cousin network, Sci-Fi.

    Sounds like they’re already anticipating doom.

    On the other hand, it’s got David Eick of Battlestar Galactica as exec producer, so I may or may not give it a shot. I’m just not sure it’ll be around long, even if I do enjoy it.

  36. “Not to mention that, even while announcing their fall schedule, NBC stated that they’re going to be “repurposing” (whatever that means) the new Bionic Woman over on their cousin network, Sci-Fi.

    Sounds like they’re already anticipating doom.”

    Actually, I’d take that as a good thing. NBC did the same thing with Heroes, and it worked out really well.

  37. I just can’t watch FNL. I live in Texas and see way too much of football glorification and worship and massive amounts of tax money spent on high school football stadiums instead of something kids actually need. I’m not saying that’s what FML is about, I just can’t stand the basic premise.

    Though I do think it’s funny that it’s moving to a night when most of its core audience will be at the game.

  38. I’m chuffed to bits that FNL’s gotten a second season. My favourite new show of the 06-07 season – yes, even ahead of Heroes.

  39. Check out the site – some of ytour favorite (maybe cancelled shows) are online there…. Like Raines…

  40. “Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?”

    Well, David Eick is involved and he had to hear all the nay-sayers when he and Ron Moore “re-envisioned” GALACTICA. Though the original was pretty contrived and began as a love interest for Steve Austin, maybe we should give it a chance, since the producers seem to have a knack for sending things (and us) in a totally unheard of direction. As long as it’s a character-driven plot, rather than effects-laden drivel, it ought to do well with us guys who remember how bad the original was.

    Bobby Da Shnoz

  41. “Now as for “Bionic Woman” — how can that go wrong?”

    NBC has released one-minute video promos of some of the new shows.

    You can catch the Bionic Woman one at
    and then on that page you can see links to the 1-minute videos of Chuck, and Journeyman.


  42. Then you should try the show.

    I watch too much TV as it is. I don’t have any strong urge to watch a show that has two strikes against it going in (about football, about high school).

    Ok, I get that some people do not like shows about football, but how about shows dealing with the trouble with drug abuse, the feelings of being suddenly confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life, divorce, rape, the constant peer pressure of teen sex, (and dealing with it as a parent) and bipolar disorder to name a few story lines.

    None of those particularly interest me either. Sounds like it might be a good show, just not one that appeals to me at all.

  43. Shadowquest said:

    Ok, I get that some people do not like shows about football, but how about shows dealing with the trouble with drug abuse, the feelings of being suddenly confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life, divorce, rape, the constant peer pressure of teen sex, (and dealing with it as a parent) and bipolar disorder to name a few story lines.

    There’s always Desperate Housewives for that. And you don’t have to put up with the licensed thuggery that is football.

  44. How NBC doesn’t do a simple block for L&O I don’t get.

    Mondays: Criminal Intent at 10pm
    Tuesdays: SVU at 10pm
    Wednesday: Original Recipe at 10pm

    How difficult would that be?

    And yes I’ve noticed that Criminal Intent is no where to be found on the schedule.

    With that show I’d do a 24 episode order. An 11 episode arc with Chris Noth episodes.. episodes 12 and 13 a crossover between Noth and D’Nofrio and then the last 11 of the season with D’Nofrio episodes. That way you could show all of Noth’s episodes in one 11 week block. Pop the 2 hour movie in to be followed the week after with the 11 episodes of Vinnie.

    But (to get back on topic) good news about FNL and its move to Fridays.. (makes sense)

    Until later

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