Hip Hip Harry

It has been decided by British high command that Harry will not, in fact, be shipping out to Iraq with his troops.

Good move.

Harry should be focusing his attention on places where he can really be of use…such as combating Lord Voldemort.


Sword Swallowing

Does anyone think that the resignation of assistant AG John McNulty is anything other than an act of a subordinate throwing himself on his sword so that Alberto “At the end of the day” Gonzales and the Bush hierarchy can survive the current investigation?

I mean, granted, this adminstration has set a new record for the philosophy that the buck stops just about anywhere except on the desk of those who should really be answering for decisions that are made about everything from employee firings to mismangement of wars. But this really sets a new low in terms of obviousness and just-how-stupid-do-they-think-the-American-public-is-ism (a brand new hyphenated word, TM).