I wasn’t aware that Steve Wacker was going to announce on Newsarama that my run on FNSM was going to be coming to an end until my e-mail box lit up.

The fact is, I’ve known about it for months. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been writing some of the stories they way I have. I never intended, for instance, to combine the Uncle Ben storyline with the Sandman story. But Marvel’s new plans for the series meant that I had to do some fast shuffling and compression, so I took a deep breath, squished the two of them together so that I wouldn’t leave the Ben story thread dangling, and did my best. But the upcoming resolution to the Miss Arrow story and the following issue’s smackdown with Jonah Jameson are all at the ideal length, so ultimately I’m happier with those endeavors.

And all I can tell you is that no, I don’t have any holes in my schedule because I’ve picked up several new projects–both of which I’m very excited about–to pick up the slack which I’m hoping will be announced shortly. As for Spider-Man, as Steve kind of hinted, the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet.