Hail Emperor Bush

Kath just brought this to my attention.


If I’m reading this correctly, Bush has very quietly granted himself emergency powers not dissimilar from what Palpatine did. In one shot he has eliminated checks and balances that have stood this country in good stead for centuries–not just for himself, but for all presidents. And considering the definition of “emergency” is broad and vague…am I the only one creeped out by this?

With Cheney as the Sith master and Bush as the apprentice, this is a hëll of a way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “Star Wars.”


Today’s New York Times

The sports section has an article about pro-bowler Kelly Kulick and discusses, among other things, her appearance in “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.” I’m mentioned, as is Ariel, and even Todd Nauck. They even have artwork from the issue, although for some reason they used a page that DOESN’T feature Kelly. Go figure.