57 comments on “One Picture is worth….

  1. Aaaaaaawwwww, how cute.

    So the Princess kissed the Frog and he turned into a Prince? (g, d, r!)

    Er, of course that’s the AFTER picture.

    — Ken from Chicago

  2. I doubt anyone’s still reading this thread, but I have to ask…

    I got married at Emory as well, but I graduated from there. (Twice.) How did the two of you end up way down in Atlanta? Did Kath go there?

  3. Kathleen’s family and most of her friends live down in Atlanta. My friends and family are scattered all over the map. If we’d held it in New York, it still would have entailed traveling for a considerable number of people. By doing it down in Atlanta a sizeable portion of the attendees were already down there. Plus since Kath’s parents were handling many of the arrangements, it made it simpler.


  4. Ah, thanks.

    Emory’s a lovely campus. I miss it lots. (Well, not in the summer. A wedding in Atlanta in June? You creative types are *crazy*!)

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