Out today are “Fallen Angel: Reborn” and “X-Factor #46.” Plus I think some other stuff came out as well.


24 comments on “STASH WEDNESDAY, July 15

  1. I just got home from the store, so I haven’t read it yet, but will the series title permanently include the subtitle “Reborn”, Peter?

  2. Totally was not expecting another X-F ish this fast – have the last 3 (inclusive) been really close together?

    Not complaining in the least though…looking forward to getting off work.

    1. Marvel sometimes solicits two issues of a series in a single month, so the extra issue comes out halfway between the ‘regular’ monthly issues. It’s better than releasing a one-shot by the regular creative team that inevitably sells 10,000 copies less than the monthly series.

  3. Thank you for x-factor…. It’s amazing. I love seeing a regular guy like rictor, who just happens to be gay. So often gay men are portrayed as metro, bìŧçhÿ, flamboyant, or girly. Exceptions being Wiccan and Hulkling of course. Thank you for giving me a character I can relate to.

    1. I know virtually nothing about Shatterstar, but I don’t think “gay” is an accurate term to use concerning Rictor. I don’t think who he’s attracted to is limited by gender at all. I suspect that Rayne would agree were she here, but she’s unfortunately been hijacked into X-Force.

      The less said about that book, the better. I picked up an issue because she was in it, and I found myself incapable of finishing it. That’s happened to me about three times in my lifetime.

  4. Awesome stuff happening in X-factor #46! Love the series, keep it up Mr. David!

  5. Bought Wednesday Comics #1 & #2 today. I gotta say: LOVE IT. I haven’t read all of #2 yet, but I read all of #1 and most #2! Just love it.

    My favorites so far: Batman, Kamandi, Dead man, Strange Adventures, Wonder woman, Flash, Hawkman, Sgt. Rock, Superman, Demon and the Cat.

    I’m actually suprised I like Wonder Woman. I think the layout on that one is a little confusing, but the artwork does look good & the story is very mysterious/interesting.

    I torn on the coolest strip though, I think its either Dead Man or Strange Adventures.

    Oh and I like Green Lantern, especially artwork, but I wish there was more action.

    I think my least favorite of WC’s strips is Teen Titans. The artwork on that is not so great, imo. Plus not a big of it storywise either.

    Prob the strangest of the strips is either Metal Men or Supergirl (artwork better than story on both).

    Oh and I like Metamorpho, even though the story is slow so far.

    Heck, I just love the whole package. Its so great to hold a newspaper like comic in my hands and read it. I wish DC would do this ALL the time. And put it on news-stands. Ya, I know they prob wouldn’t make money on it. Still…man…it would be awesome…

    I hope I can get more “issues” of Wednesday Comics. Its just the coolest “comic” out now!


  6. Stuff I got today:
    Dark Avengers 7 – So so. This is when crossovers get annoying. It continues a story from another book that I don’t care to get. So it takes too much time trying to let me know what happened and not enough going any where.
    Crossovers aren’t all bad. But I was left confused about why Cloak and Dagger are on Osborn’s Dark X-Men, and yet didn’t really care.
    Bottom line- Dark Avengers is about to be dropped. It just isn’t keeping me engaged enough.
    The Mighty Avengers 27 – Overall I have liked this (other than gain seeing Iron Man portrayed as a jerk). Found the palace coup with long established characters not quite fitting — seems like with Iron Man, there is some desire to trash the heroes yet again and make them not just imperfect but morally bankrupt.
    However, the story seems to be going somewhere, and I have always thought Hank Pym had more potential. So sticking with it.
    X-Factor 46 – PAD had to do it. The kiss was not enough. Now there is a fully embrace. Get a room already.
    Anyways, ignoring the mushy stuff, I was kind of frustrated with the issue. While I love seeing things build up and there being a good payoff, the story is dragging a little too much for me.
    Of course, a dragging PAD story is better than a lot of other stuff out there, so I’ll deal with it.
    I am a little lost about a few elements. Guess I don’t know my mutant history very well. Couldn’t figure out the talking heads at the White House. But figure it will eventually make sense.
    Have to say, the exchange between Val and Siryn was classic. Siryn should have seen that bus coming down the street. It was a little too obvious. Nice to have PAD play it out like he did, showing what Siryn says and the flash back to what happened.
    Oh, and the big freak show at the end — THAT character I do somewhat recall. So once again PAD pulls a classic cliffhanger to reel me back another month. (That and Layla. She is the best character in the whole series. Guess something good came out of M-Day.)
    Iowa Jim

    1. Dark Avengers 7 – So so. This is when crossovers get annoying.
      Dark Reign has quickly reached overkill proportions.

    2. “…I was kind of frustrated…”
      There’s a way to release that frustration.

  7. I am enjoying Mighty Avengers a whole bunch. Hank has not been written this well since that “Tales To Astonish” one shot years ago. (thanks PAD).

    Slott seems to have a real feel for Marvel characters. Even Cho, who I have not cared less about, seems to be growing on me.

  8. X-Factor 46 was a good read granted, in my opinion not quite at the level isues 39-41 were but a good read nonetheless, my compliments on showing Darwin’s powers to not be quite the Deus ex Machina they had always been played out as, the reintroduction of a semi forgotten villain, and temporal mechanics lessons I love it, Mr. David you have done it again thank you, the only criticism I have, what happened to the letters page you mentioned last issue, or was just another point of “putting out so much stuff that you never know when he’s kidding and when not”?

    p.s. in the other part of my stack if you are looking for something funny Deadpool 12 had me literally laughing for 10 solid minutes after I read it.

  9. X-Factor 46 was well-done, but the cover and solicit were misleading. Not exactly the fight of her life in there. I’d like to see more of that conversation between Terry and Val; I’m not a fan of Val but if she helps Terry see she’s not alone in the world, I’d like to see that up close.

  10. One of the good things about this book is that it marks the end of decompression. With one page per issue, stories have to be PACKED or the title won’t survive long enough to be more than a footnote in comics decadence.

  11. Couldn’t find Wednesday Comics 2 – clearly DC has a hit on its hands.

    Skipping Zombie Lantern Corps. It just sounds all wrong to me, no matter how good Johns and company are.

    Streets of Gotham 2 was much better than the first issue. Like in Batman and Robin, the focus on how Ðìçk and Damian are handling things was sharper.

    Fables offers a story about Mister Black, with great guest art by Jim Fern and Craig Hamilton. Very strong story all around.

  12. X-Factor #46 – This story is becoming more and more…I don’t know. There’s something in the continuity that doesn’t make sense. I thought Trevor Fitzroy and Bishop were around the same age. So, if there’s an adult Fitroy, does that mean there’s an adult Bishop that will pop up in the story.

    Overall, I like the story, but admit that…yeah…it is dragging a bit. The addition of Fitzroy did add to the shock value, and I assume Doom’s statement will ring true eventually (and may describe why Fitzroy was in that funky armor when we saw him the first time, like 17 years ago).

    Oh, and Dark Avengers #7 was stupid. The only pages worth anything are the ones proving Cyclops is a badass (which was 1/4 of a page), Emma is somewhat redeemed (2 pages), and Daken is the jerk I love to hate (a whole page). The rest of it was crap.

  13. Ok, color me confused.

    I put this under stash because my library just got this. I know, I should be buying 🙁 Budget isn’t there.

    Treason by Peter David

    I’ve read two completely different summaries of the story.

    One about Jellico stealing a prototype ship.

    Another about the unrest in the aftermath of Si Cwan’s death.

    Which is this about? 🙂

  14. The version of Dr. Doom in X-Factor is just further proof that Mark Millar is missing the core of the character in his FF run. Doom doesn’t see anyone as his Master, and even when falling apart he sees himself as unstoppable.

    Oh, and Rictor and Shatterstar, yay!

    Agents of Atlas and Blackest Night both stand out well. I got the black/white version of Captain America 601 to really enjoy Gene Colan’s penciling in all its glory.

    But my stand out favorite of the week is Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers. It’s just brilliantly, fantasticly fun.

  15. Hi. Honest truth – I NEVER go out and try to contact a creator about something I’ve recently read, try to offer suggestions etc. This morning I read Wolverine: First Class #16 and well, it was just PERFECT. The pacing, the characters and voices, the action, the humor and the lazer accuracy that it hits its intended target audience – BRAVO. The artists storytelling was really spot on too. What a great team you all made on this issue. I am a long time comics reader and I pick up all the X-titles monthly and this was truely a pleasant and unexpected suprise. Thank you for writing a book that I can hand to my 8 year old daughter and feel proud of as an age appropriate picture of the hobby I love so much. GREAT WORK.

  16. X-Factor’s storylines all look to be chugging on nicely, and I’m enjoying the heck out of the Jamie stuff. My favorite part of this last issue, however? No Longshot.

  17. Blackest Night: A good opening to the “must read” tale.

    DC’s Wednesday Comics: Great idea, solid presentation but 4 bucks for 12 pages on news print? a little bit steep.

    XFactor: Enjoying where this is going. Love the portrail of Doom.

  18. To: Ryan Bentley

    STAR TREK: TREASON is about the unrest after Si Cwan’s death. It was a good read with a surprise ending. I won’t say more so as not to spoil it for anyone. When you refer to Jellico stealing a prototype ship, you must have been reading a review for the last Star Trek: New Frontier comic mini-series by PAD.

    I hope this helps.

  19. Re.: Stash Wednesday at the LCS

    BATMAN: STREETS OF GOTHAM #2; A good story by Paul Dini with a great cliffhanger. Any fan who felt disappointed with GOTHAM CITY SIRENS will feel redeemed with this book.

    THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #25; I picked this up on a whim. A fun done-in-one story. I’m glad DC is bringing back the Milestone characters, but with the upcoming introduction of the Red Circle heroes (The Web, The Shield, etc.) I wonder if they can possibly give all these new characters the chance to shine and fulfill their potential.

    FALLEN ANGEL REBORN #1; Ðámņ! I got cover B instead of the awesome cover A! Anyway, this one did not disappoint. J.K. Woodward’s art was the best I’ve seen from him yet. Note to Peter: I like the story, but why did IDW want a new #1 issue? Is “Reborn” in the title to signify Liandra’s new position in Bete Noire?

    X-FACTOR #46; Peter, I loved the first page best of all! I also wonder how my daughters have grown up so quickly! Great issue. Once again, X-Factor is at the top of my reading list.

    * I’m also working my way through the novel STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE – SHARDS AND SHADOWS. I just finished Rudy Josephs’ short story and so far I’ve liked every one. Three more to go including Peter David’s “Homecoming”. I enjoy how the Mirror Universe premise gives us a fresh take on some familiar Trek characters.

  20. I know this is way late, but I’m loving your work on X-Factor. I was especially happy about that sweet kiss between Rictor and Shatterstar. About time! I don’t believe in telling anyone what to write, but I’m going to make an exception this time. PLEASE write more about this relationship! We are desperate for some honest portrayals of gays in mainstream comic books. I’m a lesbian mom and my 12 year old son needs to see straight and gay relationships!

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