This off the news wire…

“SAN DIEGO (July 17) – Jumbo flying squid — aggressive 5-foot-long sea monsters with razor-sharp beaks and toothy tentacles — have invaded the shallow waters off San Diego, spooking scuba divers and washing up dead on tourist-packed beaches.”

Am I the only one who thinks they’re coming to town for Comicon?


32 comments on “This off the news wire…

  1. “…and toothy tentacles …”

    Probably coming for the Hentai events

  2. They’re probably protesting being written out of the Watchmen movie…

  3. They’re just really pìššëd øff they were left out of…I was going to say, but is still a spoiler? The thing that might have had a monster squid, but didn’t.

  4. With this news, the story about the pentagon working on a flesh eating robot and the fact that Larry Summers just gave a reduction in the number of people searching for the term “economic depression” as a sign of economic recovery and the conclusion is clear–we are well and truly f****ed. Zombies would be a step up.

  5. I am going to San Diego for Comicon, and those squids had better not fly near me and my boogie-board! Do they taste like sushi? If they knock me off my board, I aim to find out! Maybe I better take a little soy sauce and wasabi with me…

  6. OK, now, I’m definitely packing up one of the old Suicide Squid shirts from rec.arts.comics for the Con.

  7. The wife texted me about this yesterday. My immediate response was, “Funny, you’d think they wouldn’t be attracted by the smell until next week.”

  8. It’s not the jumbo flying squid with razor-sharp beaks and toothy tentacles that should be worrying people. Oh, noooooooo.
    People should be worried about whatever it is out there that’s headed this way and causing them to flee in our direction! I swear, don’t any of you pay attention to the lessons they try and teach you in horror films?
    The only question now is whether it’s a gigantic, radioactive monster, a swarm of bio-engineered carnivorous fish or a colony of microscopic flesh eaters created by a mad scientist with bad hair. I’m pushing for the big guy myself.

      1. The Old Ones!
        How could I have missed throwing in such a ready made Lovecraft reference. I shall whip myself 100 times with a wet pool noodle as my penance.

    1. “People should be worried about whatever it is out there that’s headed this way and causing them to flee in our direction! I swear, don’t any of you pay attention to the lessons they try and teach you in horror films?”

      It could also be a sign of a impending natural disaster or the appocalypse. It all depends on what kind of movie we’re in. an alien invasion is also a possibilty.

      1. Atlantis is rising. Its warlords will soon roam the streets while wearing outfits purchased at The Mad Max Secondhand Store.
        You have been warned.

  9. Future new York Post headline: Chili Con Carnage: Carnivorous Californian Calamari Crush Comics Community

    1. Bill, you will be the first against the hordes when the Zombie Apocalypse comes. 🙂

      1. Your high estimation of me does me proud.
        In reality, however, I will be locked in my basement with food and water and will shoot anyone who tries to get me out to fight said hordes.

      2. In reality, however, I will be locked in my basement with food and water and will shoot anyone who tries to get me out to fight said hordes.

        As I recall, you did the same thing when Jeannie and I came to visit.

    2. I think that gives the Post way, way, waaaaaaay too much credit for creativity, personally. Some alternative weekly would do that one.
      The Post would do something like “SQUID SQUASHES!” and then a sub-headline in 10-point type of “How will new Mets closer react?”

  10. Jerry- you have learned well, my friend.
    The funny part–well, one of the funny parts, it’s hard to pick just one–is that when the unspeakable antediluvian horror from the depths of hëll itself rises to wreck havoc on the unsuspecting denizens of San Diego, there will be that one brief moment where it’s tentacley shadow falls upon the Sand Diego Convention center and all eyes gaze upward into it’s dripping maw and that one idiot who always sits behind me when I go to the movies snorts out “Fake! CGI!”. And then, well, we all know what happens then. Thousands of innocents die but it’s all worth it.

    1. I don’t know about that … as the old saying almost goes, there are some things even unspeakable antediluvian horrors won’t crush.

  11. Heh. Now who’s gonna tell them there are no tickets available?

    (Not me – I don’t speak flying squid.)

  12. Giant flying killer squid? Right now in Hollywood someone is pitching this as a summer blockbuster!

  13. “Am I the only one who thinks they’re coming to town for Comicon?”

    Nope. When I saw the story at AOL News, I expressed a very similar thought to my wife.

  14. How are they being aggressive if they’re wasing up dead?

    I wonder if they’re related to the Texas Prairie Squid, so beloved among the SubGenius comminuty. Their distance from Texas could explain the mortality…

  15. “How are they being aggressive if they’re wasing up dead?”
    But don’t you see, James? That just proves they were aggressive. So dámņëd determined were the little bûggërš that they swam nonstop from their home to the California coastline. They were insanely and unhealthily fanatical in this desire. They wanted to attack tender, young, bikini wearing flesh so badly that they refused to stop for food, rest, bathroom breaks, parked nuclear subs in their way, etc…
    No wonder they all died from general exhaustion and heart attacks by the time they hit the warm SoCal waters. And yet you can still question their aggressiveness? Well, all I can say is thank God you aren’t in charge of the government’s secret DOD division that deals with emergency responses related to marine cephalopods of the order Teuthida. We’d all be dead by next week.

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