POTATO MOON, Part 70: “Origins and Revelations” by Robert Fuller

“The wot, milady?” asked the confused vole.

“Never mind!” snapped the Potato Goddess. “Which direction did they go?”

“Well… that is… I don’t rightly know.” The vole quavered as he shut his eyes, certain that something unpleasant was about to befall him, probably involving chives.

Fortunately, they were interrupted by a new, unfamiliar voice. The voice said this: “I can take you to them.”

The vole opened his eyes to behold a waspish figure dressed in a three-piece, pin-striped suit and a brown duster.

“And who are you?!” demanded the Potato Goddess.

“Dr. John Smith,” was the figure’s reply. “Weight loss consultant to the stars.”

“Please state the nature of your medical emergency”

From the opening sketch for this year’s “Mystery Trekkie Theater” at Shore Leave: “Mad scientist” T. Alan Chafin goes on a rant, and then perfectly mimes having the beginnings of a heart attack. With Mike Friedman, Bob Greenberger and me clustering around him, I shout, “We need a doctor!” and Mike bellows the classic line, “Is there a doctor in the house?!” Out steps con guest Bob Picardo and with impeccable timing delivers his classic line as the holographic doctor. Result: A standing ovation from a jazzed (and maybe a little relieved) packed house.

Photo by Dawn Swingle