19 comments on “Stash Wednesday-July 29th, 2009

  1. Blackest Night #3 – which turned into a great buy for an aspiring artist like myself. It has pencils in it from Blackest Night #0! Good stuff!

    Dark X-men #2 – Love watching Osborn manipulate even the noblest of heroes into joining him. He’s an effective politician, even if I despise his methods. Makes one ponder the nature of power and all that.

    Superman: Godfall TPB – Really, picked up because I was just looking for a cheap TPB (it was $10). Great story, and I love the trend of putting sketches and pencils at the end of trades – makes them worth more to someone like me!

    Teen Titans #73 – Just because, really. Good stuff, easy to see why it’s popular.

    1. Not wanting to be too nitpicky, but to those who may believe their LCS is holding back on them, Justin is referring to “Blackest Night: TALES OF THE CORPS #3”. (Yes, it’s easy to shorthand as “Blackest Night” but it’s also erroneous.)

  2. I’ve only read Ultimatum #5 and I don’t how I felt about the whole affair. Does it really amount to anything? The Ultimate universe fell apart as soon as the core writers weren’t there anymore. Only Ultimate Spider-man felt consistent and Ultimate FF was solid till issue 26. And I guess I was hoping Ultimatum would have clean slated things differently and I’m not sure it really did. Loeb’s writing has felt fairly flat on this.

    1. This whole Ultimatum thing was just awful. Awful writing for the most part. Nothing to say on 5 issues with only shocking scenes for the only purpose of shocking. Distasteful. It’s sad because I recall that Loeb used to be fun to read.
      But this week was not a total loss thank to Detective Comics #855.
      The Batwoman part is just plain gorgeous (and the story to boot) and The Question part is also a very good read.
      It’s just because I’m a huge fan of Quitely that I prefer Batman and Robin but this series come very close.

  3. Any ideas on what happened to the Fallen Angel Premiere Collection HC Vol. 2???? I’ve been waiting for this sucker for awhile now.

    1. Diamond listed it as “Cancelled by Publisher” last month. Apparently in an effort to hold back on its own printing costs, Diamond has decided that an extra 3-5 pages of cancellation listings is just too much to include in the Consumer Order Form. Diamond continues listing cancellations on the website but if you’re checking cancellations from previous months, you have to know what Diamond’s cancellation key numbers mean.
      From the July 2009 Cancellation text-form list:
      The “4” means “Cancelled by Publisher”. (The current month’s cancellations are available in PDF and text form but only the PDF form gives the Cancellation Key; the text form doesn’t.)

    2. Well, there might be plenty of people such as you waiting for it, but if so, the retailers sure didn’t know. It was solicited and was all ready to go to production, and then the orders came back in at a level that simply didn’t support the idea of doing it. IDW wants to produce high quality material, but they can’t afford to take a bath doing it. There’s always the chance they can resolicit it and garner enough orders for it the second time around, but it’s only going to happen if fans make it clear that they want to see it.

      1. Thats funny. Not funny as in laughable of course. The first volume sold out very quickly as I remember. I didn’t preorder the second volume. I was just going to buy it when it came out. I had no idea that they would cancel it because of lack of preorders. I thought that it’s printing would have been determined by the success of the sales of the first volume. I regret not preordering this bûggër now. Though I doubt my order would have ensured the print run. Ðámņ. That first Volume was a beautiful thing….

      2. Hey Pete.

        I preordered this book and just found out about the cancellation.

        Whom should I contact about my wanting to see it resolicited? If it is (maybe with a Vol 0 for the DC issues?) I will happily plunk down the cash.

        Heck, I would pay $100 for it.

  4. I’m irritated to have learned to today that there was a Blackest Night #0, and by Ivan Reis, no less. The “director’s cut” version that I read today in #3 was nice, but I would’ve preferred to have read it, and in order according to the storyline, and with inks and color, without the commentary. I didn’t even know when Free Comic Book Day was, and when I called both my local shop and the one in Times Square, they didn’t have any more of the FCBD freebie or the reprint. Dammit.

  5. I read one review which cited Ultimatum #5 as the worst comic this week. Now, it’s certainly true that I haven’t read every comic this week, but I’m inclined to agree with him. It was slightly more crap than Fantastic Four #569.
    I also agree with Larry (above). Shocking purely for the sake of being shocking.
    Thank Goodness Madame Xanadu was out this week.

    1. Yeah I’m not sure I would call this weeks FF crap, but the entire Millar/Hitch run felt pretty flat. I preferred McDuffie’s short run on the book more.

  6. What a let down with F.F….Millar created such great villians with great promise, but then cheesed out…At least Finch’s art was cool in Ultimatum.

  7. Have decided that, for all the fun that some of the strips are, enough of the Wednesday Comics strips are dud, or worse, that I will not buy it any longer. It’s not worth an investment of $48 for things like Wonder Woman that are awful, or things like the pointless Metamorpho and GL strips, which are very disappointing given the writers.

    OTOH, Detective Comics is worth the money, though the second part of Batwoman’s tale is less exciting than the first.

  8. Madame Xanadu, Detective Comics, Uncanny X-Men First Class…Just a few comics with top notch writer/artist teams.

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