
It’s barely 2:30 and we’re already getting trick or treaters. Our house has something of a rep since we give out comic books every year.

It’s way better than the days when I was living in Queens, where we would get zero kids coming by. People were so paranoid that kids were only allowed to go around on their own block and only get candy from people they knew.

When I was a kid, I would range far and wide, with groups or solo. My parents had rules, sure: If I was eating en route, only packaged stuff. Anything unpackaged such as cookies or fruit or candy apples (yes, some people gave those out) were to be held until I got home, and if it was from someone I didn’t know really well, into the garbage it went. But there was a lot more freedom.

Is the world really that much more dangerous? Or is everyone just way more paranoid?