Watchmen 2

A lot of people are expressing outrage over the prospect of DC using other writers to utilize Alan Moore’s characters in order to produce sequels.

On the other hand, Alan Moore used characters created by Jules Verne, Robert Louis Stevenson, H. Rider Haggard, Arthur Conan Doyle, J.M. Barrie, L. Frank Baum, Lewis Carroll–not to mention thinly veiled proxies of the entire Charlton line–to produce his own various sequels which were highly praised and supported by those selfsame fans.

It should also be noted that there have been plenty of sequels to classic works of literature. If the sequel to “Gone With the Wind” was lousy, it didn’t diminish the value or worth of the original one iota.

Just sayin’.


Barf Bag Hand Puppets, Part 1

digresssmlOriginally published August 7, 1992, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #977

And now, a column that has no particular value to it whatsoever, except perhaps to indicate that I have entirely too much time on my hands (which, considering my present workload, is laughable).

Many people go around with sketch books and collect sketches from artists.

Not me. That’s too simple. That’s too mundane.

I collect barf bag hand puppets.