This is the place

UPDATED FEBRUARY 8th: Having taken the evening to reflect, plus after doing some research, I have decided that the best commercial of the evening was: The Dave Letterman Show ad. It was incredibly memorable. It was laugh-out-loud funny. And apparently they really were all together in the room. It was filmed at the Ed Sullivan studio and kept completely under wraps. The fact that they were able to pull that kind of national surprise in this day and age of spoilers and leaks gives it, as far as I’m concerned, the edge.

The place where I’ll be live blogging the commercials during the Super Bowl, the season’s final game of football.

Football, the one hour game that can run two, two and a half hours or more, making it the TARDIS of sports: You go into it thinking it’s one size but once you’re in it, it just seems to go on forever.

Football or, as fans of rugby refer to it, that game like rugby where the players are such pûššìëš they have to put on helmets and padding. (Have you ever seen rugby? Seriously? All the brutality of football except they’re dressed in shorts and t-shirts. It’s literally like they just rolled out of bed and started careening into each other.)

As always, the focus of this blog will be on the most interesting part of the evening: The commercials. Comments will be below the cut. Plus I may decide to comment on the game here and there, using my copious expertise on the subject.

So get ready. The first inning will start at 6 PM, in just 25 minutes. Or, in football terms, in an hour and ten minutes.