And We’re Good To Go for Blogging the Oscars

No, as of this writing, ABC and Cablevision haven’t come to terms. Instead I took Robert Fuller’s advice: I found a nearby hotel that has ABC and was charging a dirt cheap room rate since it was last minute and Sunday is a dead day for them. So the Davids decamped to the hotel and as of 8:30 PM I’ll be doing my running commentary for the Oscars. Even if they wind up sorting this out at the last possible second, screw it. At least I didn’t have to sit there watching the time tick down, feeling helpless in the crossfire of two huge corporations. Plus I took Caroline swimming, so it’s all good.

See you below the cutline of this post at 8:30 EST.


UPDATED 8:27–We’re three minutes away, and Cablevision is still gone.

Looks Like I Won’t Be Live Blogging the Oscars Tonight

Because I’m one of the lucky 3.1 million Cablevision customers who is caught in a high stakes pìššìņg match between Cablevision and ABC. The alphabet network decided they wanted Cablevision to cough up an additional $40 million in order to keep carrying their programming; Cablevision said no, if for no other reason, I’d think, then they figure that every other network will come knocking next. And ABC naturally had to wait until they had some high profile TV program to air that isn’t easily watchable on line the next day. They chose today. Which means I’m going to miss seeing the Oscars for the first time in my adult life. We tried to compensate by getting a digital antenna, but it’s useless: The only thing it picked up was two Spanish channels and an infomercial.

So for those of you who had become accustomed to watching along with this blog, well…unless something big changes in the next six hours, corporate warfare is going to be kneecapping the Oscar’s NY ratings tonight.

If anyone knows a legal way to watch them on line, I’m all ears.