Dems Ram Health Care Down Throats of Americans…

…just as Social Security was rammed down people’s throats.  And Medicare was rammed down people’s throats.  And, for that matter, so were Civil Rights…which may come as a surprise to the people yelling racial epithets at politicians who apparently were unaware that that happened.

Fascinating that the Right, led by Fox, is howling what a douche bag Obama is for ignoring the will of the people, considering that, just a couple of years ago, those selfsame individuals declared that criticizing a president during times of war was unpatriotic and, furthermore, praised Bush for his refusal to be swayed by polls and protestors.

The Democrats got something done and the GOP is furious, because it removes the ability to campaign on the idea that the Democrats are getting nothing done.  So now their plan is going to be campaigning on the basis of undoing it…so that they can return to the status quo of doing nothing about health care.  It’ll be interesting to see if it works.


Kid Talk

digresssmlOriginally published November 13, 1992, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #991

Well, thus far the response on the turn-of-the-century comics poll has been nothing short of phenomenal. The folks at the Bayport post office have to use a crowbar to jam all the mail into the box.

And I have been intrigued by the responses we’re getting. The most fascinating by far is the overwhelming consensus we’re getting on the identity of the likely Anti-Christ. I will admit that Bill Clinton has been putting on an impressive write-in campaign but, thus far, the vast majority of respondents are pointing the finger directly at…

Nah. Why spoil the suspense?

Several people, however, have expressed curiosity about the possibility of this column being written by Shana David, daughter of writer of stuff. A couple have actually asked to hear from my eldest child. And so I, always looking for an easy out, hereby turns this installment of BID over to eleven-year-old Shana David, award-winning writer and now columnist (and Don and Maggie have promised not to edit her column for spelling and grammar, so you get a true feel of her ability):