Dems Ram Health Care Down Throats of Americans…

…just as Social Security was rammed down people’s throats.  And Medicare was rammed down people’s throats.  And, for that matter, so were Civil Rights…which may come as a surprise to the people yelling racial epithets at politicians who apparently were unaware that that happened.

Fascinating that the Right, led by Fox, is howling what a douche bag Obama is for ignoring the will of the people, considering that, just a couple of years ago, those selfsame individuals declared that criticizing a president during times of war was unpatriotic and, furthermore, praised Bush for his refusal to be swayed by polls and protestors.

The Democrats got something done and the GOP is furious, because it removes the ability to campaign on the idea that the Democrats are getting nothing done.  So now their plan is going to be campaigning on the basis of undoing it…so that they can return to the status quo of doing nothing about health care.  It’ll be interesting to see if it works.


527 comments on “Dems Ram Health Care Down Throats of Americans…

  1. Coil,
    “Maida, stop being abusive. It’s uncalled for.”
    First, it was in response to a point that began with “Can you READ?” I choose not to put up with such emotional, vile invective.
    Second, coming from someone who refuses to EVER talk to me respectfully, on ANY issue, even the comic-related ones and whose recent idea of a civilized, reasoned talking point was “You lie!” up above and thinks phrases like Republicancers provide for enlightened discussion, well…never mind, you’ll provide another example of what I’m talking about soon enough.

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