Cowboy Pete Protests Putting Baby in a Corner

In the grand scheme of things, I know that “Dancing with the Stars” doesn’t even register.

But it bugs me that, when they announced this year’s cast, virtually all of the focus has been on Bristol Palin, with occasional glances at David Hasselhoff, Mrs. Brady, and some guy from an MTV reality program. And absolutely no one is paying the least bit of attention to the REAL story:

Jennifer Freaking Grey is in the cast. Baby herself is in the house. The intrepid amateur dancer determined to measure up to the demands of a hunky dancing instructor. It’s life imitating art. How is no one making hay out of this? She is quite literally the only reason to watch the show.


13 comments on “Cowboy Pete Protests Putting Baby in a Corner

  1. 1. Because nobody recognizes Jennifer Grey without her nose.

    2. Because Patrick Swayze is dead, and they can’t have a reunion with him as a guest judge.

    3. Because the generation that advertisers target these days, and most likely the generation that handles promotion for DWTS, regards “Step Up” as the seminal dance movie series experience in pop culture.

  2. I think it’s the time that passed and her relatively obscurity. Her moment in the sun was DIRTY DANCING — and that was back in 1987. (And unlike Nicole Scherzinger, who was somewhat controversial for being a near-professional dancer with some impressive moves for her whole career, I don’t think Grey’s moves in DIRTY DANCING had people trembling against facing her in a dance-off 23 years later). Furthermore, looking over Grey’s IMDB list nothing really jumps out since DIRTY DANCING (unless I missed the move to get IT’S LIKE, YOU KNOW released on dvd) so she’s neither famous (like Briston Palin) or infamous (like David Hasselhoff). And as Shkspr said, with Swayze permanently unavailable there’s no possibility of a nostalgic reunion.

    1. I would LOVE “It’s Like, You Know” to come out out on DVD! That was the best show that nobody watched.

      1. I LOVED It’s Like, You Know!

        I’ve never seen Dirty Dancing, though. I have seen Ferris Buehler, and that’s more than enough for me to know how brilliant Jennifer Grey is.

      2. Dirty Dancing’s pretty bad. But Ferris Bueller’s great, and yes, Jennifer Grey is brilliant in it.

  3. “It’s life imitating art, if you can call “Dirty Dancing” art.”
    And if you can call “Dancing with the Stars” life. I think this is more of a case of entertainment imitating entertainment, which happens all the time and is probably why people aren’t noticing too much.

  4. I haven’t seen/read/heard much about the upcoming “Dancing” season but what little I have heard was mainly about Jennifer Grey. The morning show my family listens to on our commute even played part of the “Dirty Dancing” soundtrack the morning after the announcement was made.

    At our house, we’ll be Tivo’ing “Chuck” and “House” (dual tuner Tivo), videotaping “How I Met Your Mother,” and watching “Dancing with the Stars.” The big reason for watching “Dancing” is because Jennifer wants to vote every week.

  5. I know I saw a few articles (on line and maybe even in print in Entertainment Weekly) talking up the Jennifer Grey/Dirty Dancing thing. I suspect it’s the kind of thing that’ll get mentioned often enough during the shows themselves once the series starts.

  6. Peter David: How is no one making hay out of this?
    Luigi Novi: Because the typical media consumer lacks the insight and perspective that people like you have, Peter.

  7. Hey, the only time I had any interest at all in Dancing With The Stars was when they announced Steve Wozniak would be a contestant. Was somewhat curious as to whether him devoting his obsessive geek fu to dancing would work, although from what I read it didn’t.

  8. HA!
    When I saw the title on this post I thought that Bristo lPalin was pregnant, AGAIN, and was going to “pop-out” this kid while dancing on TV.
    You know, the “Do-anything-for-a-grab-of-attention-the-Palin-way”.

  9. So, I figure the back injury waylaid this for a while, but are we ever gonna get that Cowboy Pete post-mortem on the last season of Doctor Who?

  10. Years ago, I was in charge of movie selection for a camp. Some of the girls kept bugging me to pick up a Dirty Dancing, and they were delighted on the day I told them I’d brought back that movie with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.
    Red Dawn was not well received by that group.
    Not one of my prouder moments, I’ll admit.
    Whether Ms Grey gets the spotlight or not, may she have the time of her life.

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