On the bookshelves and in the comic shops

We have The Spider-man Vault which both Peter and Bob Greenberger worked very hard on.

We have Fable: the Balverine Order (which includes a cool code for Fable III)

And X-Factor 209 with Longshot in Vegas is out.


PS: use this for this weeks Stash Wednesday and what you are currently reading

23 comments on “On the bookshelves and in the comic shops

  1. I usually pick up all my comics once a month, and I have class all day, so I have to wait until tomorrow. It’s torture.

    When I finally do go, X-Factor is definitely on my list.

  2. The Spider-Man Vault is out now? None of the NY comic shops appear to have it, and Amazon lists it for November.

    1. Hmmmm. Well we got our author copies which don’t usually show up until the book has shipped to the bookstores. So maybe there is an embargo date on it.

  3. Very strange–I’m now trying some bookstores (Barnes & Noble, etc.) and they don’t have it listed–not even when I supply the ISBN.

  4. I have all of my books held and I usually pick them up every couple of months. I picked up the last 4 issues of X-factor…all of my other X-books and Avengers books nothing too spectacular in terms of what I got.

    I’m still looking for that ever elusive interesting mini series. I was a big fan of Twelve and similiarly styled stories, but haven’t been able to find a good replacement for it. Also after seeing PAD write the dialogue for Mordo I would love to see a Mordo limited series or other works written by PAD. Good stuff. He’s evil, but still human which I like.

    1. Spider-Man Vault is a book about the history of the venerable wall-crawler, reportedly replete with anecdotes about the development of the character and the stories of his writers over the years.
      And Fable is a videogame series, notable for letting the player determine whether he wants to be the hero of the piece, or the villain. Balverines are cursed wolf-human monsters in the game; PAD’s novel is set in the world of Albion.

      1. So, with input from actual comics creators, “Spider-Man Vault” will likely be far more accurate than any of the Marvel “Encyclopedias” of recent years.
        (By the way, Jonathan, how did you get italics to show up? I was under the impression that html tags didn’t work here.).

      2. The HTML tags for italics work just fine – not sure about the others, as I never got around to learning that much HTML…

  5. Will we non-Con people get to find out what the upcoming projects are for PAD? 😉

    Also, is there an updated bibliography around?

  6. When will we get a stable art team on X-Factor? Every few months we get an artist as guest w/ some pizazz that gets me all jazzed on the book & then next month its back to inconsistency. I love Peter’s writing, but I’m dying here! Comics are about synergy between the writer & the Artist as we all know… so why does it feel like X-Factor gets the short end of the editorial stick when it comes to netting artists for a regular gig?

  7. Avengers(new, adjectiveless, academy, secret and thunderbolts). Unfortunately I’m still reading spider-man… Not sure if it’s out of habit or masochism. Secret warriors and Thanos Imperative are must haves for me. Allllllllll the x-books. Still waiting on Nate Grey to show up in X-Men. Steve Rogers: Super soldier and Avengers: children’s crusade are breathtaking. If you haven’t picked up an ish I highly recommend them. X-Factor is consistently good. Ummmm…. I think that about sums what I’m reading up… Pretty much everything.


    Ps- PAD… If you can get your hands on Nate Grey, Spider-man, or the Young Avengers… Never ever ever ever let them go.

  8. Amazing issue of X-Factor. The current storyline is definitely not disappointing, and leaving me hating the month we’ve got to wait between issues.

    I have to wonder: Did you purposefully reference the airport incident from Cable #22 (back in the 90s)? Shatterstar’s behavior and fate at the end of the issue seem to match up with it perfectly. If you did it on purpose, bravo. If not, that’s a pretty impressive coincidence. (Got lucky, maybe?)

  9. Not much this week, as most of my paycheck is going to emergency household expenses.

    For kicks, I picked up Rurouni Kenshin vol 7 and Essential X-Men 7 from a resale shop in my area. And I’m rereading Essential Ant-Man. Just finished the 67′ novel The Avengers Battle the Earth-Wrecker.

  10. The Avengers books. Favorite right now is “Avengers Academy”. Cool book by Christos Gage with a unique twist on the concept of a team of young superheroes. “Hotwire” by Radical pretty much rocks as well.

    1. Sadly, I ran out of money just after Avengers Academy #1 came out (being poor and basically unemployable sucks), so I haven’t seen any subsequent issues if any, but I was impressed with the fact that the first issue actually presented us with a superhero with Asperger’s Syndrome – pretty well depicted, I thought. (That would be Finesse, in case you were wondering…)

  11. A minor quibble about X-Factor’s cover. On one of the dice that Longshot is throwing, you can see both the 2 and the 5. One a standard die, all opposite sides add up to seven. Thus the 1 is opposite the 6, the 2 is opposite the 5, and the 3 is opposite the 4. I’m pleased to say that I didn’t spot any problems with the dice on the interior of the book and this was a minor quibble. It just happened to trigger one of my pet peeves, so I took it out on you. Sorry about that.

    I really enjoyed the book, though. I loved how everyone started looking at Jamie the moment they discovered the Rahne was pregnant. He’s never going to live that down as long as you’re writing him, is he? I sure hope not. Looking forward to next month.

  12. I’m really, really happy to have Rahne come back in a book I like reading – she was always one of my favorite mutants.
    Thanks, Peter.

  13. My favorite comics these days:

    5) Justice League: Generation Lost
    4) Legion of Super Heroes
    3) Adventure Comics

    and tied at number one

    X-Factor and Booster Gold.

  14. Taking a page from Jess I figured I’d list my top five and since I am only buying five I guess that’s a good number.
    the above 2 tend to flip flop back and forth between 5 and 4
    3)Birds of Prey
    again the above 2 tend to switch back and forth between 3 and 2
    However X-Factors only competition was Fallen Angel and she seems to have disappeared from the shelves… any information on my favorite series ever returning???
    I sure wouldn’t mind making my pull list on title longer for Betenoir’s favorite resident.
    Please any info is much appreciated!!

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