I Wonder if this counts as a “Clear and Present Danger?”

The argument is being made that the Reverend Terry Jones’s plan to burn Muslim holy books (because apparently the Reverend thinks that the spirit of Christianity is best served by adopting tactics favored by the Third Reich) presents a danger to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since it will infuriate Muslims, driving even moderate individuals straight into the willing embrace of the extremist factions and send them coming after our guys.

I wonder if the government can actually intervene, using the “clear and present danger” language put forward by O.W. Holmes in Schenck vs. the United States . It was, to my mind, an absurd decision at the time since in my opinion, the facts of Schenck present no danger at all, clear and present or otherwise. Nevertheless, it sure seems to me that that is now the argument being put forward by army brass, and it would be an interesting test if a court order came down forbidding it.


4 o’clock Monday Panel is BACK

DragonCon has reinstate Peter’s 4 pm Monday Panel in the Trek Track.

Come join us (Caroline and I will be there too) for Peter’s panel. He has some pretty exciting stuff to talk about including a project that we have kept under wraps for almost two years now.

Athens room in the Sheraton.

My Dragon*Con schedule

In keeping with one of David’s Rules of Cons, I’m fully aware that even though I’m posting my schedule and will also be spending plenty of time at my table at Artist’s Alley, there are STILL going to be a ton of people saying, “I couldn’t find Peter David.” So with that sense of futility foremost in my thoughts, here’s my schedule

Saturday, 10 AM–Turning Stellar Rejections into Sales. Hyatt: Manila/Singapore/Hong Kong
Saturday, 4 PM–Comics as SF Literature. Hyatt: Fairlie
Saturday, 5:30 PM–Comic Book Scripting 101. Hyatt: Hanover
Saturday, 7 PM–Dragon*Con Awards Banquet (Presenting “Julie” Award)
Saturday, 10 PM–Doctor Who Vs. Star Trek. Hilton: Crystal Ballroom
Sunday, 11:30 AM–Autograph Session, Marriott: M301-M304
Sunday, 8:30 PM–Dragon*Con Masquerade
Monday, 2:30 PM–Star Trek Authors Panel. Sheraton: Athens

After the Great Debate


But first, by popular demand, you can read a transcript of the debate here.


Originally published November 12, 1993, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1043

Well, thank God that’s over.

Some random thoughts and recollections regarding “The Great Debate” that might bring some greater understanding of it all to those who were outside looking in: