My Schedule for NY Comic Con

As always, I know that posting my schedule is not going to stop people from saying, “Where were you?!  I never found you!”  Yet here I do it anyway.

My table at Artists Alley will be E9, next to J.K. Woodward, so if you ever wanted your “Fallen Angel” books signed, now’s the time.  If I’m not there, then I am at:


1:30-2:30  – Marvel Booth Signing

3:30-4:30 – X-Men Panel

5:00-6:00 – Signing with Claudio Sanchez, Booth 2575

6:00-6:45-IDW Panel


3:00-4:00 – Signing with Claudio Sanchez, Booth 2575

7:45-8:45 – Epic Mickey Panel


12: Noon – 1:00  – Signing, Graphicly (Booth 1751)

1:30-2:30 – Marvel Booth

3:45-4:45 – IDW Panel