The Latest Cablevision Dispute

Remember when I was furious because Cablevision and ABC had a falling out and we wound up going to a hotel so we could watch the Oscars?

Well, the latest round is Fox pulling its line-up of programming because Cablevision didn’t want to increase their payout to Fox from $70 million to $150 million.

This time, though, I couldn’t care less.

The programs I actually watch on Fox are easily available through the Internet.  It’s one less show (“Glee”)  to be pitted against “Tower Prep” in this media market.  Being a Mets fan, I absolutely don’t give a crap about the baseball post season, and if I’m inclined to watch football for some unknown reason, there’s plenty of other avenues for it.  And best of all, it makes it less convenient for the conservatives to watch their beloved Fox News.

So I really don’t give a dámņ how long this particular outage continues.