God Help Me, I Watched “The View” Yesterday

I am so NOT the target audience for the weekday morning chatfest (although my mother adores it), but I had to tune in in order to see the aftermath of last week’s blow-up.  Nothing was really solved during it:  The women reiterated their positions and the only thing they all agreed upon was that it was time to move on.  Which was a shame, because I think they should have all agreed that Barbara Walters was wrong.  Although that’s not actually the main point I want to make, but we’ll get to it.

In case you missed it:  Bill O’Reilly was spouting off about yet another thing he knew nothing about, namely the Muslim center.  You remember the center:  It was a place that was a complete non-issue until an Islamiphobic, right wing Ayn Rand worshipper in Long Island turned it into one because, y’know, that’s really the sort of opinion maker whom you want shaping public discourse.