Cowboy Pete Glee-fully Invites Fox to Bite Itself

Absolutely loved the “Glee” “Rocky Horror” episode. They did a terrific job of matching the characters on “Glee” in ways that I wouldn’t have imagined, plus the most terrifying aspect of all: Sue Sylvester making sense. Overall a tremendous job.

And best of all, Fox didn’t stop us from seeing it; we picked it up off iTunes. And yeah, I know, I know, Fox probably gets some money from that. But compare that to all the ad revenue they’ve lost in the NY area during their douchy blackout, and add to it Major League Baseball’s deciding to stream the World Series live for a fairly small fee (I’m dubious as to how many NY/Philly fans will give a dámņ, but at least the option is available) which I assume Fox will get no share of, and it’s nice to see that they’re taking some lumps for inconveniencing three million people. I mean, really, to get treated this badly by Fox, you usually have to be a science fiction series on Friday nights.


15 comments on “Cowboy Pete Glee-fully Invites Fox to Bite Itself

  1. Cablevision has said it will reimburse subscribers who pay the fee to watch the World Series at, further cementing my opinion that it’s Fox that’s acting like a bunch of dìçkš this time.

  2. For some reason I found the Rocky Glee Show underwhelming.
    I just didn’t feel that much energy from any of the numbers,one of the few times it all seemed like ordinary High Schoolers dancing around. And I really found it a stretch that Miss-Don’t-Touch would suddenly become that demonstrative while singing.
    Just didn’t work for me.
    Though I loved seeing Bostwick and Meat Loaf.

  3. Im a tiny fan of Rocky Horror (saw the broadway version a few years back and own the cd), but I was underwhelmed by the performances, lyric changes and storyline. Was pleased by the shirtless guys though.

    I think the best part came when the show was over and my 13 yr old nephew (who lives with me) asked to borrow my Rocky Horror soundtrack and has been rocking out to it for 2 days now. This weekend we plan to watch the movie together.

    If Glee is doing anything, its introducing a younger generation to some pretty cool music.

    1. Was Joan Jett in it when you saw it?

      I wanted to see the 1990 London revival when i was over, with Ade Edmondson as Brad(!) … and Anthony Stewart Head as Frank.

  4. The only number that I felt didn’t work (and I’ve felt this way since getting the episode’s soundtrack last week) was “Sweet Transvestite.”
    And, PAD…this isn’t the first time I’ve been terrified by Sue making sense. She was eerily making sense to me during “Grilled Cheesus,” too.
    And, Chris…yes indeed, it is introducing a new generation to some great music. I frequently have a Glee CD in the car, and our 8 year old son sings along and asks for some of them on his little Lego MP3 player. ‘Course, this is the same kid that was singing along with me to U2 when he was about 3, so….

  5. What Chilly said, even though I think there are no “good guys” here once again. The MLB broadcast has its good points (NO ADS!) and its bad ones (you have to choose the camera angle, which don’t really move to follow the action, and if you see more than one camera angle at the same time there’s some lag between/among them) but overall I liked being able to watch the SanFran hippies crush the Texas Good Ol’ Boys, at least until the 7th inning when I couldn’t stay awake any more…

  6. I’m always happy to hate the Fox organization, but strictly speaking, if Cablevision didn’t want to be in the position of having to pay whatever Fox wants, they should not have taken your money to provide you with a product whose cost is at the mercy of Fox.

  7. This was my first Glee episode, and I kind of caught it by accident. I won’t be a repeat viewer–just not my cuppa–but I did love seeing Barry Bostwick and Meatloaf. I liked many of the characters, but I’m just not a fan of the kind of music and story lines that I perceive this show to have.

    Believe it or not, I looked up this site while I was watching it because I had some idea that PAD might live blog it. The whole cable/fox thing never even occurred to me. I don’t live in New York, and I have only the vaguest idea that someone somewhere is playing some big baseball game

    I noticed that the episode is available for free on Hulu. That seems like a pretty good alternative to me.

  8. I know that there are some houses–mine, for one–that don’t pick up broadcast signals worth a darn. We need to have cable (or satellite) in order to watch TV. But surely there are people in the Cablevision area who could’ve just unplugged their cable, set their TVs for broadcast input, and watched baseball/Glee/whatever. I know that sounds like a pain but doesn’t it beat paying someone else for the content (iTunes, etc) or not seeing it at all?

  9. Like Roger mentioned, the Hulu Fox shows remain available to Cablevision subscribers for now, so that’s still an option (my fiancee watched the Glee episode there, and enjoyed it too).

  10. Is it just me, or did anyone else think they should have called this the “Rock-Glee Horror Picture Show?”

  11. The part that made no sense to me was that Kurt, who last episode, dressed as Victor/Victoria, and in the past has impersonated Lady Gaga, would have had a problem dressing up as Frank N. Furter. It’s just another example of Glee’s writing for the episode, and ignoring previous history or characterization.
    I’m also wondering why they are so sure they’ll get to compete in Nationals this year, when not only do they not have the required number of members to compete in Sectionals, but didn’t even place in the Regionals competition last season.

  12. I just saw it reported on Twitter that Fox and Cablevision have come to an agreement, and the channels should be restored in time for the World Series game tonight.
    This comes on the heels of a Fox/Dish Network agreement a couple of days ago that restored those channels to Dish.
    I’m curious to see both agreements, as to whether Fox caved or not. Gods know they need every viewer they can get for the World Series now.

  13. I’ve been a fan of Rocky Horror since the 1970s and I actively hated what Glee did with this. Even though Fox aired Rocky Horror unsanitized on Halloween a few years ago, in Glee they had a woman play Frank and lyrics in songs were revised and toned down, which was obvious to anyone who has seen the movie as often as I have. This episode gave new meaning to the term Politically Correct, something which Rocky Horror has never been.

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