The Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear

About two hours before the crack of dawn tomorrow–barring a dramatic change in circumstances–I’m going to hop into a car and drive down to Washington, D.C. for the Comedy Central-sponsored political rally. I have no idea if anyone else on this board is planning to go, but if so, maybe I’ll see you there. For everyone else, it’s going to be broadcast on Comedy Central from Noon to 3.


UPDATE: I will be endeavoring to Live Blog from the rally. We’ll see if I can manage to make it work on Kath’s iPad.

14 comments on “The Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear

  1. I wish I could go, but circumstances prevent it. The place will probably be a zoo anyway (watch your valuables). Do you think Stewart/Colbert will attract more people than Beck did a few weeks ago?

    1. Noone expects them to even get within a fraction of the count. They’re expecting like 60k at best, and the Beck rally was conservativly 200k, and MCNBC estimated 500k.

      The weather may well be a factor on this.

  2. My advice. Park at the Silver Spring or One of the outlying Metro Stops and Metro in. The town will be a nightmare of closed roads and expensive parking due to the rally and the Marine Core Marathon that will close several streets down town. Email me if you need more info.

    1. My current plan was to park at Union Station over on Massachusetts. It’s a major hub and has 24 hour parking facilities. Does that seem reasonable?

      1. Union Station is a good plan and also has an advantage over the other metro parking lots, which I believe will only accept our Smartrip cards for payment when you exit. Not a problem for people in the DC metro area, but a big problem for non-locals.

  3. this sounds like a great time and we’d have gone but for the fact that it’s the same day as our annual Karaoke Halloween party. In fact, we’ve lost a couple of invitee’s to the event.

    Hope all of you have fun!

  4. I had planned on it (to the dismay of my non-politically interested girlfriend) but I’m already committed to a trip to IN next Friday, and can really only afford one trip right now.
    I’m DVR-ing it, though.

  5. Peter – you may want to consider parking outside the city and taking the Metro in. I live in Maryland and am doing this – the roads inside the city may be a nightmare tomorrow. Hope you have fun, it should be a great event.

  6. Wish I could be there, but there’s no way we can logistically make it work. My brother-in-law lives in DC, though, and I think he’s going.
    Have a great time!

  7. I really would have liked to go, but I was on a tour of Israel until the 31st, which made it impossible for me to go.

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