Huckleberry Hounded

Big in the news lately is that a publisher called NewSouth Books is releasing a new edition of Huckleberry Finn with the racial epithets deleted. The rationale is that now the book won’t be banned or challenged and can therefore be taught in schools.

I suppose my short feeling on this change is, quick: What’s the name of the president of NewSouth Books? Or the editor in chief? Yeah, I don’t know either. Now: Who wrote Huckleberry Finn? His pen name and real name? Yeah, we all know that. So where does the former get to rewrite the latter?

My longer feelings on the matter are as follows:

Movie review: The Shadow

digresssmlOriginally published August 5, 1994 in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1081

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a grim, gritty metropolitan setting, where skyscrapers are set against a stormy sky, and no amount of imminent rain can wash away the grime and the crime.

Hold on! The movie camera is careening forward at high speed, vaulting over the building tops, zipping in, swooping out, all at dizzying speed, eventually coming to rest on a mysterious man in black whose head whips around as he stares malevolently and significantly into the camera.

This can only mean one thing: