29 comments on “A Picture Worth Six Words

  1. Beyond awesome.
    “Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor.” “Yes, we know who you are.”

  2. PETER!!!! WHAT THE HÊLL, MAN!!! DELETE IT!!!! GET IT OFF THE BLOG!!!! THERE ARE SOME THINGS MAN IS NOT MEANT TO SEE!!! OH THE HORROR!!!! (Tries to use Holy water, garlic, a stake made from the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy’s acting, and a cross…all of which fail against this unholy image.)

  3. Great reference, but Hariet Jones went on to sacrifice herself to save the world after the Doctor said this. Somehow I don’t see the same here…

  4. That really only works if you’re a Time Lord, Mr. David… wait a second! That’s it! You’re a Time Lord!

    1. It’s from a Doctor Who episode. A British Prime Minister was pìššìņg the Doctor off, so he warned her not to push him. When she pushed him anyway, he walked over to someone, pointed at the politician and casually said, “Don’t you think she looks tired?” Soon rumors of her ill health forced her out of office.

      1. And boy did that backfire on the Doctor.
        The Doctor gets pissy, he brings down a government, his arch-enemy the Master becomes the new Prime Minister, and the Toclafane invade.
        Not one of the Doctor’s finer moments.

      2. I’ll go with The Master… ’cause you just know that the Doctor will be along to take care of ‘im at any moment. Palin, however…
        Great picture!

      3. First he warned her and said he could bring her down with a word. She replied that that was ridiculous. He then paused briefly and said, “No, not one, six. Six Words. I could bring you down with six words.”
        Probably not a direct quote. but similar-ish.
        He played her perfectly. If she hadn’t freaked out asking the person what The Doctor siad, I doubt it would done anything. Which the Doctor knew, of course.
        I’m reminded of the first episode with the Matt Smith Doctor. When the Atraxi were fleeing, the Doctor called them back saying to Rory and Amy, “Leaving is good. Leaving and not coming back is better.”

    2. .
      If you have Netflix you can look up Doctor Who Season 2 and instant play “The Christmas Vacation.”
      Watch the whole thing as it’s pretty good, but the scene in question happens in the last 10 minutes. Then it will make sense.

      1. Well, it makes sense now that it’s been explained. I just had no memory of it until it had been explained. (And a couple of the previous posts that referred to Doctor Who weren’t showing up yet when I wrote my first comment.)

  5. James Revilla: Awesome reference PAD
    Luigi Novi: Did PAD post this entry? I assumed it was from Glenn.
    Mary Warner: I don’t get it.
    Luigi Novi: It’s a Doctor Who reference, Mary. (I just Googled the phrase, and got it from the Wikipedia article on Harriet Jones.)

    1. Glenn posted at Peter’s direction, because it required posting an image. Made Peter all a-skeered.

      1. That’s like saying I would be a-skeered to perform brain surgery. No; I just wouldn’t because I haven’t the faintest idea how to go about it.

  6. Brilliant! My wife & I (Whovians that we are) have been saying this as a private joke between us for some time.

  7. Good point about the Master. Very good point.

    So, don’t go invoking this one unless you’ve already got an Ideal Successor – or preferably five or ten such! – already in position.

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